17✔︎Family Over Everything

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This chapter goes out to EVERY person who is STILL reading this story and has waited months for an update! 😭😍☺️💯 Unfortunately, until I have my masters, my updating will be sporadic, but I love Blake and Jubilee and will not stop writing until I complete the third installment no matter how long it takes! With that being said, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! 💕😁


I stood in the kitchen, mesmerized by Jubilee's smile. It was so genuine, and it reached her eyes. She was surrounded by her family, and her satisfaction knew no bounds.

I missed her joy.

I felt like I was going to float away at any moment. Like the boulder I'd been carrying on my back that reminded me of Jubilee's absence was gone. I felt...relief.

She was back. She was mine. And I'd never let her leave my sight as long as Trenton was on the loose.

"I'm sorry I ever doubted her...and you...and your relationship," DeAndre announced as he clapped me on the back, shocking me out of my trance.

"Sure, sure, you're just in a mood that can't be ruined because of your obsession with her sister," I grumbled, unamused by his apology.

"Come on, man, don't be like this!" DeAndre pleaded, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and shaking me with a jolly smile.

I laughed, "Yea, yea, I'm just messin. I can't believe she's here, bro."

"It's because of your faith, bro. She could sense it, pulling her back to you," DeAndre whispered as he turned to face Jubilee and the love of his life, her sister, sitting right beside her.

"Holy shit, you sound like a romantic or something. How many rom coms have you and Jordan been watching?!" I joked, poking fun at DeAndre.

"Shut the fuck up, bro, I'm gonna have to watch a lot more to catch up with your lovesick ass!" DeAndre exclaimed with an incredulous smirk as if he couldn't believe I'd tried to come for him.

"Man, y'all are both goners as far as we're concerned," Julius stated matter-of-factly as he and his twin entered the kitchen.

"Yeeea the whole world has receipts. Blake's been on every channel trying to find his soul mate, and you stuck your tongue down our sister's throat in front of hundreds of thousands at her concert," Justice gleefully chimed in.

"So, y'all both are whipped to be honest," Julius shrugged like it was nothing.

"Which means we don't have to warn y'all about what will happen to you if you hurt our sisters," Justice added.

DeAndre and I had been standing with our mouths open the entire time these twin teenagers came for our entire lives. We turned and looked at each other after their last comment, finally remembering that we were the adults in this scenario and made a beeline for the two.

"Y'all got one more time to try and play us!" DeAndre exclaimed as we put each one in a headlock.

"No way we're gonna be embarrassed by mere children!" I added while we wrestled to keep control of them.

Soon, we were distracted by the deep, jolly laughter of my father and brother, and Mr. Carlisle.

"I can't tell which ones are the kids and which ones are the adults, can you, Mr. Carlisle?" Taylor quipped with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and sucked my teeth before responding, "You can get some of this, too, bro!"

"You might be bigger, but I've always been older. And smarter, Blake," Taylor trash-talked.

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