20 ✔︎Flirting with Death

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I dedicate this chapter to fwdest, @diamond_jhane, and @METGALAA for sticking with Jubilake and me as I write this story very slowly haha I truly appreciate the support more than you know 😭🥺🥰, and I hope at least one detail of this story is going to answer a question that has needed answering for awhilleee! 😏🥳


"...don't leave me," Blake pleaded with bated breath before his head lolled to the side.

"BLAKKEEE! Oh my God, please wake up!!" I screamed in horror.

If I lost Blake because of Trenton...if I lost Blake...I'd never recover. My life would be over.

"Baby, you can't leave me! I need you! We need you," I whispered and pleaded, rocking back and forth and tapping Blake's face hoping he'd open his eyes.

My eyes blurred with tears, and I began to sob. But I wasn't going to give up. I took my shirt off, balled it up, and placed it over Blake's shirt where the red stain was the deepest. I pressed as hard as I could and sniffled constantly, my tears now beginning to soak Blake's shirt and mix with his blood.

"God, please, Blake needs you. Don't let this be his last day on earth, Lord. Please don't let this be the end for him...for us," I prayed fervently and without ceasing.

It's times like these when you're so painfully reminded of the fact that you aren't in control of anything, and you wouldn't be where you are without God.

I'd been trying to do everything on my own or with Blake or my family as if we aren't all where we are because of God. I vowed to never forget God again in this moment while I didn't take my eyes off Blake's chest because I needed to see it continue to rise and fall with his breath.

I don't remember when I heard the sirens, and I didn't realize that my shirt was soaked with Blake's blood that had begun to seep into my hands until the EMTs carried him away.

I fought tooth and nail, screaming at the top of my lungs that I needed to be with him, not even registering my family as they tried to comfort me, clean me up, and put new clothes on me; not even hearing the police attempt to get some basic questions answered.

I wasn't processing what I was seeing, saying, or hearing, and until Blake was back in my sight in the ambulance, I didn't care.

"It's probably his kidney. He's lost a lot of blood."

"That must be why he's unconscious."

I picked up bits and pieces of what was being said about my lover by the professionals while this incessant sound, like wind blowing nonstop, seemed to fill up my ears and drown almost everything else out.

"Ma'am, are you bleeding?" I was asked by one of the EMTs.

Even if I were capable of answering, I didn't know the answer to that question. I didn't care about me, just Blake. Whatever injuries I suffered, I deserved.

I felt fingers on my temple, and for the first time realized there was something sticky on the side of my head above my ear.

"Guys, give me some gauze and bandages, stat!"

It was funny. All of a sudden, I felt lightheaded. The sound of rushing wind stopped. I guess that must've been blood on my head I was feeling. I had no idea I'd been bleeding. My chest felt tight, too, like I have been underwater for too long.

"I think she's suffered a concussion! It's alright, ma'am, we're going to take care of you."

"Ma'am? Can you hear me? Ma'am?!"

The Consequence ✔︎ Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now