15✔︎We Fight Together

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I dedicate this chapter to -starrynite117 !! It was her birthday yesterday, and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate her and our friendship than to write another chapter of the story that brought us together! 😩😭😌☺️😍 I love you SO much, twinnie, and I hope you have had a fantastic birthday!

*Since it's been so long since I updated, 😅 this chapter is starting by returning to the scene from Ch. 13 where Trenton has Michael at gunpoint in the yard near where Bea and Bri have already captured and subdued Charles, Jubilee's creepy security guard who was assigned by Trenton.*


I thought I'd disarmed all his weapons back in the house, but knowing Trenton's crazy ass, I should've assumed he'd probably keep a secret one on him at all times. Honestly, I wasn't afraid of him having a gun. I'd seen many men wave many guns around. It's just I knew how mentally unstable he was and that at any moment he would take my life and not think twice about it. He'd already bragged to me about killing the three men involved with his father's murder back when he was ten, so I knew he was actually capable of murder.

"So glad you're already considering your options, Mike. You know just like I do that I will use my gun, and you won't, so let's just cut to the chase here. Tell me where Jubilee is, and I won't kill you," Trenton ordered, that devilish smile back on his face.

Before I could answer, I saw Jubilee's police officer friend appear on my left with her arm outstretched and her gun pointed at Trenton as well.

"Ah, see, but you didn't even think about what would happen if you tried to shoot at two people pointing guns at you," Bea said with a straight face, "So, I propose a new plan. Turn yourself in for sexual assault, domestic violence, and possession of a gun without a license, and we both won't shoot you.

Now there was a woman I was afraid of. She was smart and clearly knew her way around a gun and hand-to-hand combat seeing as the 275 pound Charles was cuffed on the ground with a bloody nose.

"Who the fuck are you?" Trenton exclaimed, the one emotion he was always willing to show, anger, eking through his fake, unfazed demeanor.

"That doesn't matter. Do you want to have at least two GSWs before this is all said and done, or will you be logical for once in your miserable life and turn yourself in?" Bea pressed.

"Ohhh I see. You're one of the bitches Jubilee has been coming to see every day, and she's filled your head with lies about me. Telling you I touched her without permission or hit her. Well, that's her word against mine, right, officer?" Trenton spat, "So those two charges are doubtful, and gun possession without a license would probably just be a fine and a slap on the wrist for a law-abiding, basketball-playing citizen like me, so was that threat supposed to scare me?"

"Nope, just keep you from shooting Michael before I could get to you," Bea hissed before firing her gun.

The shot was so loud I jumped before focusing my attention back on Trenton whose gun had fallen out of his now bleeding hand. Holy shit, she shot him in the hand that he'd been holding his gun with!

"You fucking bitch, I'm a NBA player! I need my hand!" Trenton yelled as Bea ran towards him and grabbed his gun off the ground and then aimed it at him.

Bea laughed and rolled her eyes, "What makes you think I give a fuck? It's not like you'll be playing basketball for anyone after I turn your ass in. Now shut the hell up before I shoot you again."

"Yass, Bea, you are some hot shit!!" Bri yelled from behind us, causing me to turn and observe her awkward celebratory jump while she currently stood with one leg on top of Charles' cuffed wrists to make sure he stayed down.

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