16✔︎Bend, Not Break

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This chapter goes out to _chillbreaux because she's my ride or die — especially for Blake and Jubilee! 😭🙌🏾😍💕 I thought about you while I wrote this update, sis! I hope you love it!


"I've been coming here every summer for the past few years, and I own a home here. All I'm asking for is some security from trained officers for a few days. I'll even pay the standard overtime rate," I offered as politely as I could at this point.

If it weren't for Jubilee's hand in mine, her thumb rubbing small circles into my skin every time I tensed up in anger and impatience, I would've cussed the whole police department out and lost any chance of them helping us. And this is why it had been so hard to live life without her.

With the smallest of gestures Jubilee could calm me down. She could control my emotions more than I wanted to admit. And now that she was back, I felt hypersensitive to her every move, word, and facial expression — checking to make sure she was really here and relearning how badly I needed her. I'd been living a sad reality without her.

We were currently having an entire conversation without saying anything to each other, and I noticed how clearly her eyes were pleading with me to choose to keep it together so we could get the security that would put her at ease. Although she attempted to keep it from me, her emotional exhaustion was evident ever since she got the call about Trenton, so I knew I needed to make sure she felt protected, so she could relax and stop stressing so much. I knew it wasn't good for her or our little man.

"I think we can arrange that, Mr. Griffin. And we will definitely have to talk compensation since you demand around-the-clock security," the Chief stated, shifting his office chair toward his large desktop computer screen to begin clicking quickly through a variety of screens, "I'll just have you two fill out this paperwork..."

I inwardly sighed with relief, happy that after being asked the same damn questions for what felt like the hundredth time, we were finally getting some results. I didn't particularly enjoy using my name for special treatment, but this situation called for it. I'd do whatever I had to do to keep my family safe.

I pulled my left hand out of Jubilee's and placed it on top of her small bump and rubbed it, looking into her eyes with a reassuring smile. Before Jubilee left it meant so much to me to protect what's mine, and now that she's back with me I'd make it my life's purpose to keep her and my little man by my side and healthy. Jubilee beamed back at me, a look of wonder and gratitude  in her eyes that made my heart jump in my chest. She used to look at me like that all the time up until a few weeks before she left. I'd do whatever I'd have to in order to keep seeing that look every day.

"Eh-hem," the chief interrupted our moment as he cleared his throat with a small smile, "If the man and his wife will sign where I've marked please."

I heard Jubilee cough as she attempted to keep a giggle in at the Chief's reaction to us. He'd seemed pretty indifferent to our situation at first, incessantly interrogating as if looking for one inconsistency or lie, but apparently, after witnessing our little moment, he was beginning to believe that we were being serious. And I always loved when someone assumed that Jubilee was my wife because I sure as hell planned to make sure she would be in the near future.

After signing all the necessary documents, the chief explained logistics to us, and we were on our way. I knew that having security might not keep Trenton from making an appearance, but at least they'd be able to help me protect Jubilee if he did. And maybe, just maybe, they'd keep me from going to jail for murder.

The Consequence ✔︎ Blake GriffinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ