14✔︎Back Together Again

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As soon as Jubilee stepped onto the jet I was borrowing, it felt like I'd received a shock to my heart. I wanted to fall to my knees in gratitude, but I stayed upright, opening my mouth to say her name. The name of the mother of my child. The name of my queen. The name of the person I'd only seen in my dreams and in pictures for the past three months. I couldn't believe Jubilee was standing in front of me.

"Jubilee," I whispered, attempting to overcome the paralysis that had overtaken me.

I had waited so long and run through so many scenarios for the first moments of our reunion and now, I was too paralyzed to do anything more than say her name.

I felt like I couldn't breathe once Jubilee's eyes that filled to the brim with tears and spilled over, met mine, and the recognition that it was me came over her.

"BLAKE!" She exclaimed, running to me and jumping into my open arms.

"Baby," I grunted out while catching Jubilee in my arms.

My right arm snaked around her waist while my left hand sank into the curls on her head, and I immediately stuck my nose in her hair, taking in her familiar scent and sighing with relief. She was still my Jubilee. And she was here now. In my arms. I was having to remind myself that she was real. And although I'd been staying in my same house without Jubilee, standing here, with her in my arms, my face in her hair — I knew this was home.

"I missed you so much, Ju," I admitted, continuing to hide my face in her hair because I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep it together if I looked her in the eyes again.

My shirt was quickly becoming soaked with her tears, and it hurt me to think of what she'd been through in the past few months with Trenton. I can't imagine what it must've felt like to live on such an emotional rollercoaster. From wanting to protect our son and giving in to Trenton's antics, to taking blows, both verbal and physical, to being restricted to the same home with barely any connection to the outside world. And those are just the things I know about. I wasn't even sure I'd want to hear the rest.

"Mr. Griffin, if you and Ms. Carlisle could both take your seats and put on your seat belts, we are ready for takeoff," the pilot's voice said over the loudspeaker.

We both jumped slightly at the sound of his voice, seeing as we weren't even in touch with reality. I had no idea how long we'd been in this position, and I had a feeling we wouldn't have moved had the pilot not said anything. Jubilee's arms tightened around me when she heard the pilot, as if she was never going to let go of me, which made my heart want to break even more.

"It's okay, baby, it's just for takeoff, then I can hold you again," I whispered in Jubilee's ear while stroking her hair.

I felt her nod and heard her sniffle against my shoulder before I put her down, grabbed her hand, and led her to our seats. Interestingly enough we'd been silent. I guess we both just wanted a moment to appreciate that we were together in the flesh. Plus, my mind was still trying to compute the overwhelming gratitude and relief that coursed through me at the sight of her and with the touch of her skin on mine.

Jubilee didn't notice, but the flight attendant had emerged from the back with a box of tissues and a sympathetic smile before respectfully disappearing back down the hall. And so we sat in our seats side by side and fastened our seat belts, and then I offered Jubilee the tissues that she gratefully accepted.

"Thank you," she whispered with a tearful smile, "And I know I didn't say this earlier, but, I missed you, too. So much."

Jubilee's eyes were looking everywhere but at me, and it hurt to know that she wasn't comfortable enough with looking me in the eye, but I wasn't going to psychoanalyze her right now. I just wanted to soak up her presence.

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