27 ✔︎Time to Heal

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Blake had no idea I was bringing dinner to our meeting. I had played it off to him, saying that I'd have Jordan bring us something from the bar not too far from our favorite spot on the beach as a treat for us doing our homework. He, of course, grumbled but went along with it. I had an anticipatory smile on my face thinking about how pleased he would be to enjoy a meal cooked by me. In just one week since our last therapy session I felt like I was finally seeing more clearly and able to listen more and start finding my way back to the essence of who I am as a woman and a girlfriend.

I had always enjoyed cooking, and the pleasure it brought my loved ones, especially Blake, to enjoy my cooking. So, I had bought one of those large dinner trays with handles on the side and walked our meal out to the beach from the villa as soon as Blake told me he'd be there in five minutes. I decided to go with surf and turf since we were on the beach, and I wanted to pay homage to all the progress we seemed to make when we were surrounded by the warm sand and rushing waves of Hawaii. I'd also scattered large pillows on the blanket for us to sit on or lean against, and as soon as I saw Blake in the distance I stopped fussing with my set up in hopes that it was perfect enough.

Of course the sight of him took my breath away and sent a shiver down my spine. He had on dark and light blue swim trunks with red and white stripes and an unbuttoned jean shirt, that rivaled the color of the ocean that moved to our left. His rippling abs encased in tan skin made me suck in a breath and bite my bottom lip. And, the fact that the bruising on his kidney had disappeared was a welcome sign that progress and healing were taking place.

At least I was getting out my admiration before he could really see me. Dr. K. had encouraged us to continue being celibate, although it hadn't been a conscious decision at first, more of me not feeling like I was worthy of such intimacy with Blake. Watching him now though made me want to forget about our no sex until after therapy rule. When he got close enough, I realized I hadn't gotten away with my admiration seeing as he had that lopsided grin on his face that I hated and loved. Hated because he loved how he could get me into a frenzy by just existing. Loved because his confidence made his existence even more irresistible.

He was also carrying a box that made me raise an eyebrow. If he got me a gift when I was trying to surprise him with something special I was going to scream. I wanted to be the one to shower him with love for once. I'm the one who had so much to make up for anyway.

"Hey beautiful, what you starin at?" Blake greeted, already poking fun at me.

I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips, "You know I'm staring at you. Unbuttoned, sir, really?"

Blake laughed and slid his arms around my waist, pulling me in for a hug, "Look, I know you aren't gettin any, so I just wanted to give you a little somethin, somethin to fantasize about."

I scoffed and chuckled in fake annoyance before I became drowned in the clean and manly scent of his old spice body wash while my face rested on his bare chest. At this point I was unsure if we'd get our homework done the way my current thoughts were set up...

"Oh shit, did you cook this, baby?!" Blake exclaimed, releasing me from our hug before grabbing my hand and escorting me to sit down onto the blanket on one side of the large dinner tray and joining me by sitting on the other side, "And set all this up?!"

I beamed with pride as I replied, "I did. Jordan helped prep the food before she tapped out, but I just wanted to love on you...like I used to...the way I know you love."

I was looking down at the blanket we sat on, fiddling with my napkin in nervousness. Blake's finger appeared below my chin and coaxed my head up to look him in the eyes.

The Consequence ✔︎ Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now