8✔︎Face the Music

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I dedicate this chapter to ThirtyTwoLove! I miss you, love, and as always, your votes and comments make me so happpyyy! I'm so glad you're still enjoying Blake and Jubilee's story! 💕❤️☺️

Pictured above from L to R
Top row — Lauren, Bri, Ashlie, and Bea Bottom row — Jubilee, Jordan, and DeAndre (with his fine and chocolatey self)


It already felt like a century of silence had gone by while tears continued to fall and I processed what I just saw on the tv. My thoughts were firing off in a million directions, and I hadn't found the courage to even look into the eyes of my neighbors who I would now have to explain myself to. Because if they cared enough to check on me when I passed out in my front lawn, they definitely cared enough to have questions about me being in an abusive relationship.

Lauren being who she was, couldn't take the very silence I was thinking about any longer, and so she cleared her throat before making her suggestion, "Umm you never told us about whether you've eaten or not, so why don't we give you some time alone while we drum up some breakfast?"

Before I could even respond my stomach growled loudly and answered Lauren's question for me. I guess that was what I had been trying to do when I initially came downstairs this morning. It felt like an eternity had gone by since then, and that couldn't have been more than an hour ago.... Bri, Lauren, and I all paused for a moment before bursting into laughter, and I thanked the Lord for this welcome change in the room's palpable tension.

"I guess my stomach is talking for me right about now," I joked, "But, yes, that sounds like a great idea."

Both ladies silently nodded and got up to leave, and I felt the sudden urge to say one more thing, "Umm, thank y'all so much for just...everything. It means more than you know."

"You're very welcome, Jubilee. I have a feeling that this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!" Bri exclaimed as she and Lauren made their way into the kitchen.

I smiled brightly, realizing that it was the first time that I'd done so in awhile. That smile quickly disappeared when I remembered what I had just seen. The feeling of yearning for Blake that shook me to my core when I saw his face on the screen and heard him talking to me still tortured my spirit. I missed him. The way that his voice trembled and his eyes pleaded with me made tears sting my eyes and threaten to fall. Trenton went to the lengths that he did to keep me from seeing that because he knew what it would do to me. But, what he didn't realize is that after he put his hands on me, nothing was going to stop me from making my escape. Seeing Blake's message was just extra motivation...


"LA, how are y'all doing tonight?!" I exclaimed through my mic after singing my intro song.


The roars and cheers within Staples Center were deafening, and as I looked out into the crowd of thousands, cell phone lights flashing and people smiling, clapping, and screaming at the top of their lungs, I exhaled with joy. This is where I belonged. On stage, using my voice to reach thousands. To make them feel things they could only feel when listening to me. I'd taken enough time off to process all that was going on with Jubilee and help with the plan for how we could act, so now here I was. Back to doing what I loved. It just so happened that I was back to doing what I loved to try and save who I loved.

I looked to my right and saw DeAndre standing backstage with the biggest, brightest grin on his face, vigorously clapping and making my heart thump in my chest. It was time to do my part of the plan to get Jubilee back, and I just needed some last-minute assurance before I went forward. DJ must've noticed the question in my eyes because he stopped clapping and slowly nodded at me. I smiled back and nodded before turning back to the crowd. It was time to face the music.

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