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I dedicate this final chapter to -starrynite117 and _chillbreaux! You two have been my biggest supporters turned friends, and as I have said before and will keep saying until this series finally comes to an end, y'all are the main reasons I am still writing the Jubilake series today! 💯 I cannot articulate what your love of my writing means to me, so I hope this final chapter blows you away and acts as my form of thanks for all your comments, votes, reads, and conversations over the years! 😩🥺😭🥰 I love y'all so so much! 💜💕

August 20, 2015


"I've gotta admit, Blake, I'm very very proud of your progress based on how you were looking when you first arrived here six weeks ago," Dr. Brown celebrated with a big smile and a lot of pride as soon as I collapsed on the examination table after the conclusion of my final physical therapy session.

I wiped my sweaty forehead, neck, and arms down with a towel and sat up before looking up at Dr. Brown with a smile that mirrored his, "Thanks, Doc, I'm glad to hear it!"

"Can you believe you passed all tests with flying colors? This is your last session!" Dr. Brown exclaimed, squeezing my shoulder.

I was still catching my breath, and quite frankly, not just because of fatigue from such an intense workout. In that moment of realization, I was reflecting on all my body had been through in the past six months. Throughout my recovery, I didn't want to hear about how much I had to overcome, I just wanted to be told what I needed to do to win in each of my sessions. But now, my mind was bombarded with this reality as Dr. Brown listed off everything I'd faced and overcome.

"You came to me with unresolved head trauma exacerbated by blows suffered during your altercation with Trenton, a bruised and lacerated kidney that required surgery to fix, and a shooting hand broken in three places. And now, you're leaving me with your shooting hand still in a cast, but after a successful surgery with no complications, a fully recovered kidney with full range of motion on the left side of your body and all stitches removed, and no signs of anymore head trauma. It is with great excitement that I say goodbye to you today and wish you the best with the final weeks of recovery with your hand."

I loudly exhaled after listening to that long list and shook my head in disbelief, "Man, I can't believe it, Doc. I can't believe it. I can't thank you enough for all your help and patience. I know I can be...a lot to deal with, but it's just because I love what I do and have had a lot taken from me this year and this past season professionally and personally."

Doc joked in response to my comments to keep the mood light, "Nah, once me and the PT team got the plan from your team, and I didn't have to worry about you risking all of our progress just to have sex, I knew we would be good, especially since that meant your physical therapy was the only way you'd really be able to release all your pent up emotions."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at the Doc teasing me, "Yea yea yea, I guess you got me there, Doc, because if circumstances were different, there might've been some setbacks. You've seen my girl."

Doc smacked my shoulder and shook his head, "You young folks never cease to amaze me. Your girlfriend is very beautiful though, Blake, I do agree. I hope you are aware and grateful of all her other qualities as well. I'd imagine a ring somewhere in the near future?"

"Of course, Doc, you know I could never let her go! You got my invite for our going away party this weekend, right?" I asked with a smile, looking forward to the plans I'd put together that I'd been able to keep from Jubilee...so far.

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