6✔︎Operation Save Jubilee

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I dedicate this chapter to _chillbreaux because other than Blake and Jubilee, you are like my number one muse for this story! You are so invested, and your comments show that, so you just keep me writing, and I can't express what that means! So thank youuuu!!! I think you'll like this chapter and won't need any tissues hehe 😜😏😘💖💃🏾


"Blake, thanks for joining me today. It seems to have been a difficult few months for you, so I can only imagine what it means for you to be here."

I nodded with a slight smile as I attempted to get my thoughts and emotions in check. If I didn't handle this situation correctly, shit could turn south real quick.

For Jubilee. I chanted to myself over and over.

"I appreciate that, and thank you for having me, Rachel," I responded.

"So, lots of questions about what has been associated with your name as well as the University of Texas' name. Of course both of you are institutions in your own right, so let's just start with you personally. Why the fight on that night against the Kings?" Rachel asked, getting straight to the point.

"I felt the need to defend the honor of someone important to me. And damn the consequences," I boldly stated, looking Rachel in the eye.

"Sooo basically Trenton Davis, shooting guard for the Sacramento Kings, was doing the typical trash talking, and you felt like he took it too far? About a family member or say, significant other?" Rachel probed for specifics.

Jade and Jordan said this would happen, I thought with a smirk. Playing right into my hand.

"A significant other, yes. He has history with her. Troubling history," I explained step by step, using all the willpower within me not to grit my teeth and ball my fists as I transitioned into the toughest part of the conversation.

"What do you mean by troubling history? Is this where the University of Texas enters the equation? And is this also where the pictures of a bruised Trenton come into play as well?" Rachel asked, her eyes widening as she looked genuinely surprised that I was confirming so specifically the question she was asking.

This was not how a normal interview with a celebrity or sports star went. But, desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Yes it is. Basically, Rachel, I came to do this interview today to shed light on domestic violence. And to use my platform and my situation to hopefully encourage others to speak out against it and stand with the victims of it. My significant other was in a relationship that was characterized by domestic violence when she was at UT, and despite my umm, idiotic, self-serving attempts to uhh, physically deter him a few years back, Trenton Davis has continued to terrorize and stalk her ever since," I stated with an expressionless face, but a trembling, anger-filled voice.

"Whoa, Blake that is a lot to digest, and a lot to accuse someone of. Especially a fellow member of what you all call the NBA, a fraternity of brothers. Such allegations will not be taken lightly," Rachel Nichols said, stating the obvious since she was clearly scrambling trying to figure out what to say to take back control of this interview.

"I realize that. And for months I have been silent because I did not want to expose my girlfriend's life to so many complete strangers or put her in any type of danger, but unfortunately, all of those things have come to pass, and I am out of options," I shared, my voice now beginning to tremble with desperation.

Jade and Jordan said as long as I don't show anger, it was okay to be vulnerable because it should gain the empathy of my fans and any viewers.

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