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I dedicate this chapter to fantasy_seeker15 and diamond_jhane! Thank yall so much for your continued reads, votes, and support for this story! It means so much! 😩😭☺️💕😍


"Are you sure it's ok if I FaceTime him, Bea?" I asked, trembling in anticipation of seeing Blake face-to-face for the first time in months.

"Yes, Ju, it's ok, you don't have to worry. Ever since you opened up to us about your situation, I put up extra security cameras and bugged a bunch of items throughout the house. If Trenton's security guard for you was in here trying to tap or bug anything, I would've known," Bea answered confidently, rubbing my back to attempt to calm me down, "Besides, I would've been taken him down for trespassing."

I put on a weak smile at Bea's last comment. There's nothing like having an officer of the law on your side, and it once again is the best reminder that God would protect me even in this situation. Who stumbles upon a group of four women and one is a police officer?!

"Here, why don't you drink this tea before you call him. You've really got to stay calm, Ju. The stress is not good for the baby," Bri gently offered, pushing a hot cup of tea into my hands and taking her phone out of them.

See what I mean? A police officer and a neonatal nurse living in the same house that just so happens to be right next to the house Trenton chose to hide me in? I couldn't be more blessed.

"Thank you, Bri. And Bea. And Lauren and Ashlie," I stated with a sad smile, one tear trickling down my cheek, "I honestly don't know what I would be doing or if me and my child would be alive without you all. Being able to come here every day has been a Godsend."

I watched all the strong, beautiful women sitting around me smile and nod before Lauren responded, "You're very welcome, Jubilee. You have are such a radiant soul, and it's only right that we help you fend off that damned psychopath. Are you sure you don't just want me to accidentally find Bea's firearm and shoot him in the head? Just say the word..."

"Oh God, Lauren, you've got to calm down, Miss Rent-A-Cop! We can't get all hasty in our anger and make a wrong or too obvious move!"

"And Trenton, with one GSW to the head would be pretty obvious," Bea added in agreement.

"Ok, well, what about poison? Or a car accident?" Bri suggested, putting car accident in quotes.

We all looked at each other in complete surprise at Bri and Lauren's deep desire to kill Trenton. Like, were we really having a brainstorming session for murder? A few seconds later we all burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all.

"Fine, fine, I will concede to not making a murder plan. But, Bri is the only real one here! Thanks for having my back, girl! I'd go to prison with you or for you in a heartbeat!" Lauren exclaimed, dapping up Bri like they weren't agreeing on breaking the law and taking a human's life.

"They say they ride or die, but they fake, sis! That's why they have us," Bri replied with an eye roll in our directions and a grin in Lauren's direction.

"Have you seen Jordan's latest snap though, Jubilee? Your family loves you so much. I can't believe she's still opening every one of her concerts by asking her fans to record and post her message to you! It's so sweet!" Ashlie flipped her phone in my direction with the most satisfied smile.

My heart grew just at the sight of my bosom buddy. We might not be twins, but Jordan and I were intricately connected, and her messages had definitely done a work on me and emboldened me to want to get out of my predicament.

The Consequence ✔︎ Blake GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now