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" Y/N Come on hurry up , the guests will come by any minute!" The person who is calling me is my cute and sweet mom. And why she is calling me , well today is my special day ,my birthday.

"Yeah coming!  Shweta hurry up ! Today is not my wedding , just apply the powder ! " Shweta is my best friend , we met in Korea . She has always been by my side in my happiness and in my sad days .

She giggled and said " Oh come on , Simple ass ! Today is your fucking birthday ! You need to shine !" .

"Need to shine" No. Don't think of those words . Don't think of him. "Shut up! Please hurry up otherwise you know my mom will seriously beat your ass this time ! ". I laughed and said .

"Okay done . Now look in the mirror and tell me if something needs to touch up." I stood up from the table and admired myself, I don't know how can someone call me pretty, except him.

My dad brought me this slight pink coloured dress , I love soft colours, they calm me ."Thanks Shweta , I have to say this time that you have some makeup sense " I love to tease her .

"Shut up , I am your only friend who can tolerate your simple ass " I rolled my eyes at her answer.

There was a knock at the door. Shweta opened the door and was greeted by my mom. "Wow , You are looking so nice , my baby ".

"Thanks aunty , I made her look like that pretty" said Shweta . " Not at all . She is already pretty that's why ." Oh god .They have never talked to each other perfectly.

"Mumma , Where is dad? He didn't saw me " I asked my mom. " Oh he is busy in the decorations-"

"Woah ! My baby is looking so pretty". My dad is sweetest person existing. He has always cared for me .

"Thanks papa ! " . My mom took Shweta with her to arrange the food and my dad got busy in the decorations.

21. I was turning into 21. After my high school , my father said we should go back to India but I refused , I got used to this environment, to these people. So we stayed here .

I opened my drawer and pull out my earnings box . Hmm..which would suit this dress ? My eyes captured the light pink shade tops. No.no. I am not going to wear them , I don't want him anywhere near me , his gifts , his words , nothing. I grabbed some dark pink tops and wore it. I picked the light pink tops and opened the lid of the dustbin but I stopped , no I have to throw it but I can't , Why?.. why can't I erase his face from my thoughts , the boxy smile , sparkling eyes .

I sat on my bed and closed my eyes . I still remember the day , the kiss-

"Y/N !Come down! don't forget today is your birthday !." Shweta said . I didn't even realised when she came . I seriously need to stop thinking about him.

"Yeah ! Wait, when is your family coming? " She has a older brother , which is quite and humble . Aunt and uncle are the most understandable parents.

"Oh , they are on their way , they'll arrive in 5 minutes don't worry ." She smiled . We both walked downstairs to the the main room. My house was not that big but we had a guest house and a garden .

"Wow ! mom , dad it's so beautiful ! " . The main room was decorated very nicely. My favourite colour pink.
The ballons were placed in the corner of the walls , photos of childhood were hanging in the middle of the room. I love my family. I love my life- I would have loved more if he was here with me . Stop Y/N , don't think about him . He is just a headache , a wrong person who came into your life . I don't know why my eyes started to water just by thought of him.

"Just for you , my child ! " My dad said. Shweta dragged me into the kitchen, I think so she saw my watered eyes .

"What happened Y/N ? Why are you crying? " I can see the concern in her eyes .

"Oh ! It's nothing, I just got bit emotional.." I am very bad liar . She is not satisfied with my answer , I can see by are reaction.

"Come on , I am your only friend , you can't lie to me , let me guess... Don't tell me you were thinking of him !?!" I can see anger building in her voice . Yes. She knows about him . She was the first person whom I told . Even my first kiss. She clearly hates him after what he done to me , even I have a small place for him in my heart she fucking hates him.

"What else should I think Shweta , I needed him today by my side , I want him by my side for the rest of the life , I can't easily forget him." I finally broke up in tears . It's hard to admit but I miss him . I need him right now with me .

"Y/N , you need to move on , don't think about him . He is not that important , what he did to you is unforgivable , please this is for your own sake , don't be such vulnerable , fuck him ! You have me , your mom and dad ! What else do you want? See me , I am still single , I have not received even one dick !"

I laughed at her comment , " Yeah after 9 break ups , you are still single ! I trust my words that you will introduce me your new boyfriend tomorrow ". she giggled at my answer . Everytime when I feel low she is always there for me . I love her .

"Yeah , yeah , okay you need to cheer up ! It's your fucking birthday babes !! " She dragged me into the main room. The guests were already there . I think I took too time for so called move on therapy .

Suddenly there were two hands covering my eyes . I knew who is it .

"Jungkook! " Oh my god ! When did he came ?!

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