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(A/N): Hey lovelies 💕

Third person pov :

Should I ask or should I not ??

This was all in jungkooks mind after meeting Y/N. On one hand he didn't wanted to upset Y/N and on the other hand he didn't want them to meet.

He walked in the hotel and pressed the elevator button to 3rd floor. He thought that his hyung would say yes because how can he let go his first love.But he didn't wanted his brother to say yes.


Sound of the elevator reached the floor jolted jungkook from his thoughts.He stepped out from the elevator and walked towards his hyungs room.

He inhaled a long breath and knocked on the door. A small 'come in' was in response.

He opened the door and got inside . Before closing the door he glanced towards his hyung who was leaning on the window.

"Hyung..." Taehyung looked at him and gave a soft smile.

"Oh jungkook.... what happened ?? You in my room suddenly, we met this morning right??"

"Ahh hyung , just-why ? I can't meet my hyung whenever I want?!" Taehyung chuckled at his small brothers words.

"You can.You can."

Jungkook was fighting against his thoughts that should I ask him about the meeting or not. Taehyung was his big brother , he always helped him in everything . He used to listen his queries , whenever he was lost , one person was there to help him bring back from his darkness and he was taehyung. And betraying him was the most difficult work .

He sat on the bed and picked a water bottle from the nightstand. Jungkook didn't know why he was behaving like this. He wanted to tell his brother , he wanted him happy but he also wanted to be happy.

He placed the bottle on his lips and gulped the water.

Taehyung was also wondering why his brother was acting like this . He never seemed this much nervous before.

Jungkook cleared his throat and closed his eyes before speaking." Ah h-yu-ung , i umph i-i m-e-met Y-y-" Jungkook was interrupted by a noise of phone ringing. He bit his lip because of his nervousness.

It was close . He thought .

Taehyung picked his phone and started at the name.

"Oh yoongi hyung ! , What happened??  Oh , yes I have saved it , don't worry ! Yes, sure bye !" He ended the call and looked at jungkook whose forehead was covered by sweat.

"Kook , the AC is on . Why are you sweating??"

"Nothing it's just the weather  , i came in daegu after such a long time , thats why !"

" Oh , and what were you saying ??"

"Nothing important just will you come with me at a restaurant , they have very tasty japchae!" He lied. For the very first time he lied to his brother.

"Oh seriously , yeah we can , but yeah jungkook , yoongi hyung asked for the recording we did this morning , you have saved right?"

"Yeah I have saved it in my phone."

Taehyung smiled at him and continued his staring out from the window. He was thinking , how is his life ?? He never imagined this life , he wanted his passion , his love, his brothers all with him. But destiny didn't gave him one of it- his love Y/N.

He never wanted to leave Y/N , he wanted their relationship. But he can't. Bang PD's words was all in his mind when he thought about relationships.

When he left daegu . He didn't wanted to face Y/N , because he knew he can't see her sad face . He betrayed her , yes and he is suffering from it too.

He still remembers how nervous he used to be in high school. In front of Y/N. He chuckled at his own thoughts.

Being an Idol was not an easy task . You have to leave your love , your family . But the difference was he can meet his family but he can't meet his love .

He knew that Y/N didn't want to meet him , and why she will meet him . He left her , without any warning . But there was a reason behind his decision. He never got to explain that.

Relationship. Love. Were very sad words for him. He saw the way his brother , jin hyung broked after his breakup. He had to leave his girlfriend because he was an idol. Balancing the rumors , the society was the most hard part. Jin hyung was crying all day because he didn't got his love. He still remembers how they both used to miss each other whenever the band used to leave the city.

Taehyung didn't wanted the longing.

Jungkook saw his hyung lost in his thoughts , so he decided to leave the room , to  give him space.

He walked out of the room and smiled to himself. He always loved Y/N , he still loves but he never expressed it. How can he express it , when his best friend and his hyung was so in love , how can be a wall in between them.

But he decided this time that he will get his love ;Y/N. Many times he tried to tell Y/N , but she never took it seriously , but not this time , she needs to take it serious.

They were staying in daegu for only 3 days. He can't let his brother and his best friend meet. If they met , all his dreams he pictured with you will be vanished. No. No. He needs to do something . They need to leave daegu as soon as possible.

If they don't leave , he had to plan something else. He pressed the elevator button to the ground floor.
When the lift arrived at the last floor he walked out of the lift and searched for his driver .

He spotted his car and told his driver to drop him at your house.

After 15 minutes he arrived at your doorstep. Jungkook pressed the door bell and waited for you or someone to open .

There were faint noises of footsteps reaching the door. The door opened and he was greeted by your mom.

"Oh Jungkook-ah , welcome , come inside!" She smiled at him and stepped aside to let him in .

"Oh aunty , i wanted to meet my cupcake , where is she ??"

"She is in her room , go and yeah do you want water or some soft drink ??"

"Nothing, i just want to meet her."

"Okay , go ahead." She patted his back and walked away from him.

Jungkook rubbed his hands on his pants before walking upstairs. He can hear the muffled noises from your room. You were singing.

He smiled. Jungkook turned the knob and it was open , he glanced towards , there were you  , his love , the person he wanted from back the high school , singing in the middle of the room .


The moment you saw jungkook , panic rised in your body , you knew where he came from. You paused the music and looked at jungkook with pleading eyes.

Jungkook decided what to say , what to do to win you , to make you his. Today he was going to lie to most precious persons of his life.

He sighed and said "Sorry , he said No."

(A/N): 👀

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