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Pak |
Jarang-jarang lho saya chat bapak duluan |
Saya mau tanya ni |

Urgent |

| Apa?

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Ini bapak? |Send a pict |

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Ini bapak? |
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Ini juga? |Bapak ngejamet di mana? |😭😭 |

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Ini juga? |
Bapak ngejamet di mana? |
😭😭 |

| Itu bukan saya

Bohong |
Saya nggak suka cowo bohong lho.. |

| Tapi, Na.. Itu..

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Kaya papa gula😭 |

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Kaya papa gula😭 |

Kaya papa gula😭 |

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