Chapter 33

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Today is my date with Will. He said we were going to a fancy restaurant. I've looked through my closet and tried on all of my dresses. None of them fit! Katie had to come with me to the mall to find a cute dress.

I found a dark red dress and cute and comfortable flats. I brushed my hair, pinning the stray pieces behind. I glanced into the mirror and toke it in. My hair tumbled down in waves, my makeup was light but perfect. My dress was comfortable and fit good. I grabbed my coat and waited in the kitchen until he arrived.

A few moments later I heard his firm knock on the door. I slowly stood and rushed to the door. Will looked handsome. His hair fell over his forehead and his eyes stood out. He wore nice pants and a jacket and a nice shrit. "Hi." I greeted, locking the door behind me. "You look amazing." He commented, taking my hand and Lessing me out of the building and to his car.

When we reached the restaurant, I glanced around and noticed it was mostly older couples. Most of them in their fifties, sixties or even svernties. People stared at us as we walked by their tables and to our table.

For the first minute it was silent between us, but then we both loosened up and started to talk. We laughed and joked, earning us glares from the neighbouring tables. I giggled as they stared at us.

During our meal I decided to ask Will something. "I need your help. Painting and getting the nursery ready." I said. His smile brightened as I said this. "Anything you need." He stated, his smile growing wider. I laughed. We continued our meal, laughing and talking and I realized just how much I missed him being around, like this.

Did u like the chapter. Not one of my best, and I'm sorry I haven't updated, I will be updating more often. Please comment and please please vote. Bye.

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