Chapter 22

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Will and I are going to look for a venue for our wedding. I jumped into his car. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as my mom and Mrs.Rivers climbed into the back of the car. They were both so excited and I was happy to have them be a part of this. "Where's our first stop?" Will asked. "The church on south street." I said. We were there in a couple minutes. It was a small church. It was pretty. It had a small field behind it. We toke a look inside but Will, me and our Mothers didn't think it was big enough. It would only hold about 25-50. And we both had large families. We stopped at another church. Then finally we got to the Fairland Park. It was right on the river. It was beautiful. It was beautiful. All the trees and flowers made it look so beauitful. Will and I walked around the park holding hands.
"It's beautiful." I said.
"It is. It's perfect." Will said.
"Is this the place?" I asked him.
"I think it is." He said smiling. I laughed. Then he crashed his lips down on mine. It was soft at first and then harder. As we pulled away I gave him a hug.
Our mothers hugged us and agreed that it was such a beautiful place to have the wedding. On the way home our mothers were discussing who we were inviting to the wedding. Will and I were quiet. But we held hands the whole way.
Tonight I had a date with Will. He toke me to a diner on the outskirts of town.
"Table for 2" he said. The waiter led us to our small table. We ordered and then talked.
"How's school?" He asked.
"Fine. But I don't know a lot of people." I admitted. I was shy and quiet in large crowds.
"That's okay. I don't either." he said.
"You always try to make me feel like I'm not such a loser." I said.
"That's because your not." he said. That made me laugh.
"I love you Elena." he said.
"I love you too." I said smiling. That night was so perfect just us and we had so much fun.
2 weeks later.
The wedding keeps getting closer. I'm excited but nervous. I've been sitting on the couch all day being lazy. I finally decided to go get dressed. Then I overheard Will and Connor. "Why did you flirt with that waitress?" I heard Will ask Connor.
"Because you flirted with her friend." Connor said.
"True." Will said. That made me mad. We were engaged and he was flirting with random girls. My face was beat red. Then the door opened and Will came out.
"Hey." He said. I brushed past him and ran to my room to lock it. He knocked a coupl time but I didn't move. "Babe please open the door." He pleaded from the hallway. I got up and unlocked the door then flopped down on my bed.
"What's wrong" he asked.
"Why would you flirt with that waitresses friend." I said glaring at him.
"I don't know what got into me. I'm so sorry." he said. I didn't look hi in the eyes but he lifted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. "your my one and only." He said.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you more." he said.

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