Chapter 15

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The next morning I got ready and was out the door and headed for my dorm by 10am. I decided my first year it would be easier to live on campus. My phone started to buzz so I picked it up.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey Elena." It was a Will.

"Hi." I said.

"I know you probably don't want to talk but I just can't stop thinking about you." He said. I didn't respond to that. "Elena I know things have been hard but please just meet me at park. At our spot." He said. "Sure. I'll be there around 7pm." I said. "Thank you. I'll see you there." I said then the line went dead.

I got dressed in jeans and my coat and headed to the park. It was already dark. I had a small flashlight that I used to find my way. When I got up the hill I saw Will looking at the city. "Will." I said he turned around. "Elena you came." He said. "Yeah I did." I said.

"Do u remember our first date. It was up here." He said.

"Yeah. This view is still as amazing as I remember it." I said.

"It is isn't it." He said. He grabbed my hand and led me forward where he had a blanket laid down over the snow. "Please sit." He said. I sat down on the blanket. I felt really good being here with Will. Maybe we shouldn't have broken up. We just sat there in silence for a couple minutes. Before he broke the silence. "Elena I've missed you. I really like you. Actually I love you Elena. And I also applied for second semester at your college so we could be close. I've have something very important to ask you." He said. That's when I noticed he was holding something in his hand. Then he got in one knee. "Elena will you marry me?" He asked. I was shocked "um..."

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