Chapter 17

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The next day.

I got up and went to see Katie. I met her at a coffee place down the road from the mall. As soon as I saw her I ran up and gave her a hug. "Your in a good mood. Did someone get back together with Will." She said. She knew me better then anybody. "Yes." I said. I toke my gloves off. "Something else did happen tough." I showed her the ring. "Holy crap. Is this for real for real." She said. "Yes." I squealed. She looked at my ring and examined it. She looked very excited. "And I was wondering would you be my maid of honor?" I asked. She looked up at me. "Yes. A million times yes." She said. "Thank you so much!" I said. After coffee we went home to watch movies. Connor and Will were there. "Hi guys" me and Katie both said. "Hey." "So Will congrats!" Katie said. "Thanks." He said giving me a hug. Then me and Katie went downstairs to watch a movie. We decided to watch a horror movie. I was half hiding behind a pillow then something popped out of the closet and killed someone. We both screamed so loud the people on the next street over probably could have heard us. We ran upstairs as fast as we could. "I'm scared!" Katie yelled. I just nodded. We were panting. We decided after that to go watch something else. So I ran down and changed it. Once we were down watching our movies it was 8pm. It was already dark. I tried to turn on the lights but they wouldn't come on.
"That's werid." I said. Me and Katie tried all of the lights they didn't turn on. Then we heard some thumping and scratching. Then I saw something shimmering that was coming from around the corner. It looked like a knife. Me and Katie both grabbed pillows and then the figure jumped out at us. We both screamed, then we started beating it a pillow. They dropped the knife. "Hey take it easy." He said. "Will! I'm going to kill you." I said. Then he started to run. I ran right after him. Once I got close enough I jumped on his back. "Gotcha." I said. "Please." He said. Then I jumped off his back and he picked me up bridal style then started spinning me around. Then he put me down and crashed his lips down on mine. "Are you still going to kill me?" He asked.
"I don't think so." I said.

This is a small filler chapter. Please comment and vote

My Brothers Bestfriend #Wattys 2015Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora