Chapter 11

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It's been a month since I last saw Will and I've missed him like crazy. I've talked to him on the phone and texted him but it's not the same. I guess I'll have to get use to it. Today I've a 90 minute lecture to attend and it sucks. It's really boring. I've been thinking a lot about Will and Connor but mostly Will. After class I would drive home and do nothing but homework and watch tv. I was lonely. Occasionally I would see Katie but other then that I just saw my parents. I wasn't very social. I didn't really talk to anyone at school. I just sat alone usually. Only I couple of people have talked to me most of them my professors. Well thanksgiving was coming up which meant Will would be back for the long weekend. I was really just focusing on getting through school. But at least it's Friday. Wills college is a 5 hour drive and it's hard with school to try and see him. I just hope we'll get through it and not end up like most long distance couples and break up after a couple weeks.

Right now we were eating dinner. Mom and dad just asked me how school was going and how my day was.

"It's good." I said.

"Got any new friends?" My mom asked.

"Not really."

"Well are you social at school?"

"Not really. But I've talk to a couple kids.

"Really who?"

"A girl named Cassandra."

"Anybody else?"


"Oh is he cute?" She asked.

"He okay." I said.

"We'll have you gone out with him?"

"No I'm still dating Will." I said.

"Oh that's right." She said. The rest of dinner was pretty quiet. Our conversation didn't go well. I least I didn't think so it was awkward. Then my phone started to ring.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey." It was Will.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I miss you." He said.

"Aw I miss you too." I said. Then I heard something hitting my window. It was little pebbles. I walked up and looked out the window Will was standing there leaning against the tree. I hung up the phone.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What not happy to see me?" He asked.

"Of course I'm happy to see you. I'll be down in a minute. I grabbed my jacket and ran outside. I ran up and gave him a hig. He kissed me passionately and then put a strand of hair behind my ear. We decided to go for a walk around the block.

"How's school." He asked.

"Okay. How about you." I asked.

"Really good. But what's wrong with your school?" He asked.

"Nothing really it just boring and I don't know anyone except for a couple people." I said.

"It will get better I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." I warned. After our walk we went back to my house and I saw Connor in the living room.

"Connor." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"Hey Elena." He said squeezing me tight. We spent the rest of the night talking,watching movies and goofing around. Then at about 3 in the morning we all went to bed.

My Brothers Bestfriend #Wattys 2015Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora