Kids // P.P

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May i request Peter and playing with toddlers, please ? ❤️ Good luck with your cramps lovely xxx

A/n: I'm gonna need luck, since I have them a lot the pain killers take like an hour to kick in.

It wasn't odd for Tony and Pepper to ask you to babysit Morgan whilst then went on a date night. Unfortunately this time, you had a test on Monday that you need to study for.

But luckily, your amazingly smart and cool boyfriend, Peter agreed to help since Morgan already loves him from the numerous times he's been over.

Peter wasn't meant to be over for another half an hour so you were stuck, trying to read about the Ancient Greeks and entertain a hyperactive five-year-old that wants to play Dragons and Knights.

At some point you even found yourself acting out the stories from Greek Mythology so that you can remember the events better. Just then the door opens and Peter walks in.

What's confusing is the fact he is carrying a large container. "Hey, guys, sorry that I'm early" he said as Morgan runs over to him and you sigh, happy to get a slight break.

"Petey! Peter! Play with me" she said whilst he kneels to get to her height. "I will now but do you know what I brought? Cookies! So if you're good then you can have some" Peter negotiates as Morgan nods.

"Okay, can you play superheroes with me?   Y/n is terrible at the game" she asks, looking pointedly at you. "Hey! I'm not that bad" you defend as Pete agrees.

Within an hour, you got through most of the revision and decide to go to the kitchen for a snack to see the two of them, sitting in silence and eating the cookies.

"Hey, love. We saved you some if you want any, also the burgers should be about fifteen minutes if you want to wait for them" Peter offered, as you pick up one of the white chocolate cookies.

"Yeah, Peter also said that I can stay up a bit later with the two of you since I've been good" Morgan adds, smiling at you from her seat at the table.

The second the food came, you ate it immediately and before you knew it, you looked up to see Peter running up the stairs with Morgan on his back to take her to bed.

You follow them up a couple of minutes later, too see Peter tucking her in and walking out, looking tired. "You were right, Morgan is hard work" he said, wrapping his arm around you before giving you a forehead kiss. "I know, I'm have to babysit every week" you say.

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