Ep 4 : Vanilla

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The next day, it was All Might's turn whose teaching in Class 1A.

Since he is new teaching here in U.A. moreover as a heroic teacher, he kept focus on more for students on their battle ground training, to gain and turn them into more like a hero would.

At first, the Trail Battle was supposed to go against two on two, but since there are twenty-one students, it couldn't help but to split into each three members.

After the whole trial each group had done, especially the unforgettable moment where Bakugo and Midoriya was the first to fight each other. Now last, it was finally Noa's turn.

Bakugo almost left his ass off if Kirishima didn't halt him to see Noa's match, especially the guy who has half red and white hair. His other side body was that covered with ice made the other go curious of his quirk.

Since it's a bit different now, the last team today is;

Todoroki, Shoji, Mina VS Ojiro, Hagakure, Noa

Noa's team is the villain while Todoroki's as heroes.

Well, Ojiro seemed to be have a problem for himself because first, Hagakure is completely invisible, hard for him to catch where she at. Secondly, Noa is a non-talk person, although she already told her extra plan by writing on her board, the two agree her to that.

When All Might gave the signal to start, Todoroki and his team quickly made the move.

The half-half guy took no longer and place his right palm on the wall, "Sorry, but I want to finish this quick."

In instant, the whole building was frozen, making the Noa's team a bit troubled.

"Way to go Todoroki-kun!" exclaimed Mina happily, she then followed him towards upstairs where the weapon located at.

As for Shoji stay behind to cover them.

Whatever your plans are, I hope it worked, Noa-san! thought Ojiro on his own, his head looking everywhere for Hagakure if she was fine.

But it made Ojiro panic when Todoroki and Mina already on their way to the weapon.

"My bad-"


The two suddenly halt at the sudden air pressure coming to them, until it come to their sense it was Noa running towards them with her two nails covered with blood. They both felt like a small pinch in each their skin.

Don't know what Noa do but when they realize she stained her own blood on then, Todoroki and Mina stop moving, they cannot even use their quirk.

"Noa-chan what did you do?!"

She perks up and stood in front of them, "It's my quirk by using my blood to stop you guys moving."

Ojiro and Hagakure then take the weapons away, while high fiving with Noa.

"The villain wins!!" announce All Might.

Mina was already whining, she's thinking she should've just thrown her acid right away towards the weapon while Todoroki kept his silent cold eyes towards Noa.

Behind the screen, Bakugo even didn't know what to believe, somehow seeing her and Todoroki just now, made him tingle up some unwanted feelings on the inside.


"You're crying?"


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