Ep 24 : To The Beach

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It was a very good news for the students who don't past the practical exam because they also be joining the Summer Camp, and before they all can do that to start, Class 1A decided to shop together.

Except for Bakugo who doesn't want to join, he just wants to shop alone, but in the end he'll be companying Noa shopping because it's her first time camping and Kirishima decide to tag along as well.

"Do you need this Noa-chan?" asked Kirishima while handing a bug spray.

"Bug Spray...?" she asked confuse while looking the can.

"Aren't girls afraid of bugs?"

"I don't know but maybe I'm not afraid of bugs..." replied her while looking at another camping stuff.

"She'll probably burn those bugs away eventually." Commented Bakugo while looking at a sleeping bag, remembering at home is already not bouncy and full of holes.

"I'm buying this, you guys wait outside." Said Bakugo and those two went out first.

Waiting at the fence while looking down on the huge mall, it's the second time Noa went out like this, first time was Momo after they finish school.

"Hey, Noa-chan." Called Kirishima, making the demon girl glance at him.

"What do you think of Bakugo?"

That sudden question made Noa confuse at first but then she answers, "Katsuki-kun is a good guy... He's so precious..."

Kirishima chuckled, "I doubt it you would say that." Noa looked at the red haired hardening boy again.

"You know, since the first time I went to U.A., you both are my very first close friends. I never cared a lot about someone other than my own family before, well the thing is that, I just wanted to say uh..." Kirishima trailed off, a bit blushing making Noa awaits what he's about to say.

"I totally couldn't say this towards Bakugo but maybe only to you Noa-chan, that I love you guys so much, for being my friends, you both already like siblings to me. Just that hehe."

Love? Noa asked that in her head.

Kirishima chuckled while scratching the back of his neck, "Man, I've been wanting to say that for the longest time hehe, you can tell or not tell Bakugo though, up to you, but that guy probably would be all flustered and change into a mad-man right second."

"Kirishima... Is love the same 'like' like...?"

He looks at her, "Yup it's familiar but love had stronger feelings in it."

"What do you mean...?"

"We can say towards the person we cared with 'I like you' or 'I love you.' But if you cared deeply about that person, more than anything you cannot express, 'love' is more suitable for the word to tell. While like is more uh, only just like?" explain him, a bit confused on his own words at the end.

"Well the thing is I'm saying right now it's that the way I love you compared to Bakugo, it's different." Added Kirishima for the last time, chuckling to see Noa's clueless expression as if she was like questioning; 'different how?'

"Oi!" called yelled Bakugo approaching them while tagging the sleeping bag behind his shoulder, one hand inside his pockets. "The waiting line is f*cking too long, don't ever want to shop here again."

"But it's only sale for today right?? You got the right price to bought that man!" Kirishima said as the two guys walk ahead while Noa followed behind.

Different? What does that mean? So Katsuki-kun doesn't see me as a friend? Then what?

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