Ep 5 : It's Her

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"SHIT!" Bakugo yelled at the top his lungs when he saw his phone it's already eight o'clock in the morning, he's late for school.

He angrily jumped off from his bed and open his door harshly, only wanted to scold his mother.


Mitsuki sigh tiredly while sipping her tea, "Look at that Honey, our son is being dumb as ever early in the morning."


"It's Saturday Katsuki! That's why sometimes I worried too much of your obsession with school!" said his mother reminding him.

Bakugo blink his eyes, he looked at the big clock at the wall along the calendar, he curses himself for be such a fool. Since Midorita beat him on that Trial Battle match day, all he's thinking is how to get rid off his rival in any possible way.

"Tch, that damn Deku!" he muttered on his own.

"Wake Noa up, Kacchan! I've already prepared breakfast for you two." Said Mistuki while pouring an apple juice.

That's right, he just remembered the dark-brown haired girl slept over last night.

Bakugo then walk back again towards upstairs to wake up the girl.

"Oi, wake up." He knocked on the door double times.

"OI! OI!" Bakugo yelled again, this time smack it with both of his hands.

He was expecting Noa to immediately open the door but it didn't happen, due to his hot tempered, Bakugo kick the damn door open with his veins already popping out.


He stopped midway when he saw Noa was suffocating on the futon, her eyes closing, droplets of sweats could be seen on her pale face.

Bakugo immediately ran to her side, "OI! What's wrong with you?!"

He decided to place his one hand on her forehead and damn it's so freaking hot, Bakugo immediately yelled at his parents again to asked them to get a medicine, it seems Noa got a high fever.

"Oh no, is she okay??" Mitsuki look at the girl worried, she placed a warm towel on her head to cool her down.

"We can take her to her house, it's nearby right?" said his dad.

"I haven't go there yet so I don't know where her house is, damn it." Bakugo answered, how foolish he's supposed to asked her since the first time they knew live each other nearby.

"I will go around the neighborhood to look for Sakamoto's house, while you Dear, you can buy a soup and extra medicine for the girl." Suggested Masaru.

Mitsuki nods, "Then Kacchan look over her alright? We'll be right back."

Their son only nod in response as the adult left the house, leaving the two young students alone.

Bakugo only continued to sit while crossing his legs beside her, keep a watch since he's not that really good taking care of sick people before.

"Her bandage around her mouth, it's must've been hard for her to breath." He mumbled.

A sudden urge to remove the bandage ran through his minds.

"People will find me scary, I don't want that."

That statement also came out of nowhere, making Bakugo halt his hands in the air, but he thinks back again, it'll be best to let it off so at least Noa will not feeling suffocate in the lungs.

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