Ep 10 : Her Face

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"Oh my Noa! I heard your hand went off!" Mitsuki yelled worried while hugging Noa who just entered their house.

"What happen to her Katsuki?? Is she alright now??" asked his dad also standing near the demon girl and his wife.

Bakugo took off his shoes and school's blazer then stroll down towards the kitchen to grab a drink, "Yeah she's fine now, she can regenerate."

"Really??" yelped the mother as she took out the demon's girl hand to see that it was okay like the usual.

"Sakamoto-san, even though you're a half demon you should be more careful next time alright??" lectured the father making her look at him stunned.

Did he just say that casually because I'm a—

Her thoughts were interrupted when Mitsuki also scold her, "That's right! Don't be like Kacchan who's reckless and good at everything! There's also the negative thing can happen if you force yourself!"

"OI!" yelled their son when he heard himself was mention. Bakugo then throw a can of juice towards the demon girl and she catches it instantly.

"For the time being she will stay here with us." Bakugo said again while gulping the drink.

"Well sure! I've always wanted to have like a daughter in this house!" Mistuki replied while wrapping her arms around her.

"But how about her parents? They still haven't return?" asked Masaru.

"Tch, she's not even her parents, just left her like that without a single word." Bakugo answered, still remembered that Tachibana Mei.

It seems that Noa is adopted or someone gave her hand in to take care the demon girl.

Noa who heard that cannot help but to looked down, ever since she was little, she never had someone gave her affectionate, even though someone really looked after her. But the person already passed on, ever since then Tachibana Mei look after her from outside the city.

Mitsuki and Masaru only could stand silence in response but then the woman pushed the girl to go upstairs, "Noa, go to the previous room you're staying in alright?? I will bring food for you!"

She was about to decline but Bakugo already pulled her by the wrist, making the demon girl followed him behind.

Noa was agape when now the room is more clean and there is small table at the side for her to study.

"I asked that Old Hag to cleans up first since you'll be staying here for a while."

She then wrote on her board while sat down on a mattress, "How long will I stay here?"

Bakugo also sat down to sit beside her, "Until you're not feeling lonely anymore."

She widens her eyes when he said that, did Bakugo realize of what she felt the whole time? That she always wanted someone to said "Welcome Back!" every time she was back from school.

"But I still have to go home once in a while!"

"Of course you do but this is your home too now!"

Then silence fill the room making the two feeling awkward but Noa then wrote again, "There's many things I have to thank you since I met you Katsuki-kun, so thank you once again :)"

Bakugo somehow was more focus on the smile emoji on the end as he also sees the Noa herself was smiling behind the bandage, with her eyes closing.

"No, I should be the one to thank you."

She tilts her head to the side.

"For saving me back then, you demon girl." He said while out of nowhere took a strain of her dark-brown hair and bring it to his lips, making Noa's face hot suddenly.

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