Ep 29 : Apart

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Literally the whole U.A. got heart attack after what Noa's death information and the next hour again she was confirmed still alive, although it'll be like all of them was a lie. But of course the people who witnessed sincerely told the truth.

Even Noa herself, she felt like she was really dead back then when she feels her head chopped off.

"For crying out loud... There are no instruction to engage enemy before the first order! Do you not heard what Mandelei said clearly?! Retreat immediately at all costs!" Aizawa was lecturing the demon girl along the whole Class 1A students in the hospital room.

"You almost dead and then neglected to go to the hospital?! Don't get ahead of yourself because you're different!!" scold him again, this time by wrapping his scarf around the tired Noa on the bed.

lida and Momo couldn't even stopped their teacher because Aizawa is really angry right now, although aside from that feelings, he was worried to death in the inside.

Even Bakugo has a bit bruises because at first he also against Aizawa of not wanting to lend Noa to anybody when she was unconscious, he ended tied up being like a mummy until Noa could wake up along further notice.

"And you Midoriya!"

"Y-Yes!" answered him sweat dropped, both Noa and Midoriya are hospitalized in the same room because of personal reasons.

"Don't go over too beyond your limits! The doctor said you almost lost your hand if you're act without thinking again!" Aizawa said his last words, making the room all silence stiffy.

He turns around again towards those two students, "I'll specifically kept a watch on you two starting from now."

"Bakugo, Uraraka." He called his two students, making the girl answered 'yes' while the spiky boy just looked at his teacher in annoyance.

"I'll be charging you both to keep an eye on those two. And all of you, starting from now, every time you all want to go out, I forbid you all go alone but at least in pairs. Also don't be in here too long, that's all." With that, Aizawa left the room while clicking his tongue.

Making them all sighs simultaneously, then Mina chuckled. "Aizawa-sensei should've showed it instead if he's really worried geez."

"He is a person that hard to express feelings, figures." Commented Kaminari.

"Moreover, NOA-CHAN! YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!!!" exclaimed them all, gather around both Midoriya and Noa bed.

Even Momo who also hurt her head insist herself to check on her best friend, already crying again. "You're alright now? Doesn't hurt anymore?"

Noa shook her head slowly while smiling, next all the girls ran to her side to have a slight big group hug, while the boys only watch in relief, they all had been through those nightmare time.

Good thing Aizawa reserved VIP room so it'll be enormous for twenty people in here.

"But what exactly happen Noa?"

"Yeah, it pains for us to ask right away but we want to know and help you got over with." lida also said.

Then Sato also speak up to help Noa talk, because he and Daisuke is the one who found Noa in the forest. The demon girl also explained them how she fought the villain demon and she was also protecting Todoroki, Bakugo, and one guy from Class B.

All the very details until she woke up again.

"Wait, is it really true that villain is our middle school friend?" asked Mina along with Kirishima on her side.

"We actually saw her too when Kacchan was about taken away, even though her hair color change, her face remains the same." Added Midoriya along nodded from Todoroki, Shoji, and Tokoyami who saw that girl.

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