Ep 19 : End of Intern

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Bakugo raise his one hand again, readied to attack the swordsman quirk user but Daisuke is fast enough to block it by his blade. "I said it was not my fault!!"



Bakugo stepped towards him, banging his own forehead against Daisuke. "FRIEND?! YOU THINK I WOULD ALLOW THAT AFTER YOU TRY TO KILLED HER?!"

Best Jeanist then butted in by stopping Bakugo on the arm, making the explosive boy look at him mad. "LET GO YOU DUMBASS!"

"Again, Young Bakugo, language. Quarreling like this won't get to anything, you two." Lectured him, making the two look at each other in hatred.

"How is Noa doing, Best Jeanist?" asked Daisuke, making Bakugo irritated that it was supposed to be his line.

"She already calmed down, but she won't tell me anything, do you mind explain it to me Daisuke?"


While Bakugo, he doesn't seem to trust Daisuke at all so he went inside ahead to check on the demon girl. When he found her sitting on a couch alone, her body curl into a ball, it made Bakugo soften. He somehow doesn't want to look Noa all sad and scared, it might be the second time he sees her like this but this one is totally different than the previous one.

Bakugo then sit beside her, making himself close towards her so Noa would notice it's him. The demon girl slowly lifts up her head, eyes looking tired but she's not crying. "Katsuki-kun..."

"You have to tell me what the f*ck is going on, unless I will not understand."

Noa then write down, "Okay, when we got home."

He heaves a sigh of relief, thank god Noa would open up to him to tell, he was afraid at first if she would keep it all for herself, it might just killing her own in the inside. Bakugo took no longer to pull her body into his embrace for comfort, instantly the demon girl hugs him back, still trying to overcome her fear.

But she was thinking as long as Bakugo is at her side, she'll be okay.


After the incident happen yesterday, Doctor Gin manage to get away again. Although the cops and pro heroes are after him for many years, the villain is so hard to caught because it had amazing brain like the principal in U.A.

Imagine him as an animal are already that smart, compared to a human who also that genius, makes it harder to track on because he's been a threat to everyone's safety.

"Once again, I'm so sorry." Noa bowed her head down for the fifth time towards Benjamin and the twin sidekicks.

Benjamin raise her hand to give her head a pat, "I know your situation back there, Doctor Gin must've be related something bad to you in the past isn't he?"

Noa only nod, while Daisuke kept a watch on her all the time. Since he also got worried because yesterday scene still kept repeating on his head.

"You have to learn slowly to get over your past, Noa. I just want to tell you that, if you one day face Doctor Gin again, I want you to be a different person, the you who are new, that capable of defeat that villain without your greatest fear."

She looks up to found Benjamin smiled softly at her, "Sometimes we have to face it, every each our own weakness/fear, so we are not scared anymore. Can you do that?"

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