Ep 25 : Summer Camp

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Before all class 1A and 1B can enter the bus to travel where the Summer Camp is, they were ordered to gather at each class first in early in the morning.

"He did what now?! Is that for real?! Last Sunday was real?!" yelled out Kaminari still disbelieve as almost half of the boys gather around his table.

Bakugo know it would turned out this way so he gave up to let his friends knew, at least they will somewhat scared and not to try get to near Noa.

Kirishima cries proudly, "Bakugo, I didn't think you would do something so manly!"

"I knew it you like Noa!" stated Sero.

"He was pretty obvious tho," added Kaminari.

"Says the one who had a crush on Ji—" Kirsihima was stopped by the embarrassed lightning boy.

"HUH?!" Stated the rest unbelievable except for Bakugo who knows because Kirsihima accidently told him when they hangout.

"So it was true Bakugo-kun?!" asked lida, while moving up his hand up and down.

Bakugo already at his limits, "AGH SHUT UP! SO WHAT IF I AM HUH?! WHAT?! GOT A PROBLEM ASSHOLES?!"

He really does. Thought everyone, making a sound of 'awe' towards the flustered boom-boom boy.

"And Noa felt the same way??"

It was silence at first but then someone yelled from the class door, "Bakugo!! Your wife is cheating on you!"


"That's too far Mina-kun!" scold lida towards the pinky hero.

"No like I'm serious! She's talking with Daisuke from Class 1B!"



Now everyone totally knows I had a crush on Noa, oh great, soon later even the whole U.A., ah shit.

Before Bakugo could act didn't care, he was already pushed by his boy friends.


"Come on Kacchan! Or Noa-san would be taken away!"

"Shut up you nerd! Don't told me what to do!!"

But it was too late because literally all of them is at the edge of the door, spying on Daisuke and Noa who both talking at the hall. Except for sulking Mineta, Todoroki and some the rest of the girls who only look at them tired.

"Shoji, you can hear them?" asked Kaminari.

With that, Shoji told his friends everything what the two talking about with his quirk.

"You got all the stuff with you?" asked Daisuke.

Noa nods, "This will be fun...!"

Daisuke chuckled, "My class will leave after your class does, and say, if there is spare time, want to train together after what we've done with Benjamin?"

The demon girl likes the idea, she nods again as Daisuke grin seeing her excitement. "Well then see ya later, Noa." Said him last time while patting her head softly, making Noa smiled.

For sure, Bakugo didn't like the sight at all.

"Bakugo, don't you worry, were on your side." Said Sero tapping on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm your biggest number one shipper." Stated Sato.

"The ship name is Bakuoa! Or BakuNoa?"


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