Ep 9 : Temporary Secret

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"Noa-san what?!" yelled Yaoyorozu along the rest of the class shocked due to the thing they heard when the demon girl lost her hand from Midoriya.

Clearly everyone is back in school except for Noa who transferred immediately to the hospital for treatments, along with Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki companying her.

"It's hard to believe but that was what exactly really happen, but she said her hand is going to be fine." Explain Midoriya.

"So she has a quirk like Shoji-kun?" asked Mina.

"That's what I thought too earlier but—"

"She can regenerate back." Someone cut off Midoriya's words and it was one of the U.A. teachers.

Cementos and Present Mic, approaching the 1A students in exchange of Aizawa because of his terrible injury.

"Since Midoriya already tell the whole class then we got no choice but to tell you all like the principal told us to." Said Cementos.

"But you all have to keep it secret for the time being, no words towards other classes, in order for Sakamoto Noa's safety."


"Done. Since I already inject you to stop the bleeding hours ago, you'll be fine." Said the doctor and Noa thank him with a nod.

"But wow, you sure are one with extraordinary quirk, is your blood also part of your own quirk?" asked the doctor again, making the three boys look at the girl surprise.

Noa only nod awkwardly in return while scratching the back of her neck, she then looked outside the window that the sun has already completely gone.

She then wrote down, "Can I open the bandage?"

The doctor seemed confuse at first, but answer yes.

With that, she used her right hand to open it in a single pull, revealing her arm without a hand. She then rose it in the air, making her friends to see.

"This happened pretty often with dozens of hero if their dealing villain monsters, what a poor fate that you got into, but no need to worry because you—OH MY GOD!!"

The doctor yelped surprise what he sees, along with the three boys startled when Noa's hand really return the way it was fast, only in ten seconds.

On the other hand, Noa calmly move her left hand fingers and nod her head multiple times, as a reward self for healing it back to normal.

"It really return!!" Kirishima yelled while go near her to take her left hand to held, making the girl a bit surprise.

"It's like she's not injured at all." Commented Todoroki, and they were surprised again when the bruises Noa got on her forehead and cheek just also vanish like that.

"EH YOU CAN DO THAT TOO?!" screamed the red haired guy again.

The doctor then left the room speechless, making him dull of what he just witnessed today.

"Noa-chan, what are you actually...?" aksed Kirishima, making all of them in stood silence.

Noa don't know if she supposed to tell the three right now or shut her mouth, she doesn't have the right thing to tell her friends yet.

"Oi, I knew it all along." Bakugo suddenly admits, he doesn't know if he will regret it or not but it'll better to let her know that himself knew what her true identity is.

The dark-brown haired girl widens her eyes, Katsuki-kun knew? Does that mean he remembered the past where I met him the first time?

"Eh what? What did you know about?" asked Kirishima confused, looking at Bakugo then back at Noa.

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