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They spared Mirabelle when they heard of her mental condition. She needed help , not death.

As much as Athene wanted to demolish anyone who hurt her child, at the end of the day, Mirabelle was just a kid herself. She didn't know what she was doing. Lucius however didn't share his mother's thoughts.

He knew only one thing. The girl was a threat to his baby sister. A threat to Lettie was a threat to him too. He had a feeling if she was left alive, she was going to cause a lot of trouble for his princess in the future.

Oh how right he was.

"No. I simply cannot and won't let her get away with it." He refused to even see his mother's point.

Athene knew this would happen. She also knew if Lettie forgave Mirabelle then Lucius might let this whole thing go.

So when she heard Lettie's footsteps along with Toni's, she was relieved.

"Prince Luci! Prince Luci! Prince Luci!" She ran in squealing, like that day never even happened.

"Hi princess" He cooed to her, picking her up and sitting her on his lap.

"Storm got me a little car that looks just like the one he has! That's so cool Luci!" She squealed showing him the smaller version of a bugatti veyron super sport.

"Very cool, Lettie." He stared in amusement which turned to disdain once he spotted Toni trying to scratch his expensive couch which Lettie loved napping on.

"Lettie, why don't you call Toni over here and show him the car again?" He said glancing over to their mother who was just watching them with her eyes twinkling in happiness.

"Oh otay! Toni look!" She called out to him and he came running, finally abandoning the couch.

He barked happily when Lettie sat on the ground to snuggle with him. His tail wagged vigorously, as he licked her cheek and rubbed himself all over her.

Once Toni had gotten all his snuggles and kisses, he was calm. He laid himself down with his head on his paws as he peered up at the little human he liked so much.

"Lettie, baby, come here for a second." Athene called out and only then did Lettie notice of her mother's presence.

"Oh hi mommy!" She smiled and waddled up to her.

"Hi baby." Kissing her head, Athene put a serious face on.

"Do you want Mirabelle punished for what she did to you, love?" She asked.

She could see the gears turning in Lettie's head before she answered.

"No mommy, I don't." She refused.

"Why is that, princess?" Lucius asked in disappointment.

His mother knew exactly what she was doing.

"It's okay. She was just mad she didn't have any friends because of me. Our teacher says Everyone deserves a second chance so maybe Mira does too right?" She innocently asked.

"Mhm, she does." Athene smiled at her.

A few minutes later, athene kissed Lettie's head and left her with Lucius knowing she was going to sleep in his room.

Lettie knew and understood more than everyone gave her credit for. She knew her family was into some shady shit. She knew it wasn't normal for a family to have all these men with so many weapons on them.

She somehow knew this punishment wouldn't be something like 'no cookies for a week' or 'time out' no. It had to be something more severe than that based on how angry and dark Lucius' gaze was.

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