Chapter Twenty-Five: "Have to Go Back"

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We'd wandered everywhere through the stillness, yet the conversation didn't end. We reminisced and we spoke of stories, and we caught up with what we could.

Every now and then I'd stop to hug them or to hold their hand. The feel was all too familiar, too comforting to not take advantage of. I knew that I'd have to go back eventually. That I'd have to return to Niall and Claire and Harry, Carly and Jon, Charlotte and Uriah. So many people waiting for me. So much to leave.

Did I want to leave?

Dad touched my shoulder, smiling softly. "I see you've met Uriah."

I hadn't thought to ask about Uriah since getting into this place, since seeing them. It was my chance to ask. It was my opportunity to hear the story from his perspective. And I would take it.

I nodded slightly, replying quietly, "He seems nice..."

"That's because he is," Mom said on my other side, inserting herself into the conversation. I knew that she'd have something to say about this, as well. "Your father just never spoke of him."

"I had my reasons," he retorted.

Mom sighed, and I looked at him carefully. I waited a moment, unsure of I really wanted to take this opportunity. But I knew I'd never know if I didn't ask now.

"What happened between you two, Dad?" I asked softly. "I mean, Aunt Charlotte told me, but I want to know how you saw the whole thing."

He looked at me sideways, and then he sighed in defeat.

"Uriah was scared," he explained. "I'm not defending him, not condoning leaving me there to spend time in prison for a crime I did not commit, but I know that fear makes people do bad things, makes them make bad decisions. Uriah was one of those people. And I don't blame him for being scared... I just blame him for letting me take the fall after all was said and done."

So it was true - Uriah had left Dad to go to jail, and it was too late to apologize for what he'd done. Yet as I looked at my father, as I took in his concerned and grim expression, as I noticed the longing in his eyes, I could tell he missed him too much to admit aloud. He was angry, he felt betrayed, but he did not want to stay away from his brother anymore. Family was family, not like I'd known, but like he did before what had happened. Family meant the world to him; it had for a very long time.

"You've forgiven him," I realized aloud. I could see it in his eyes, he'd forgiven Uriah for his wrong-doing. Forgiving someone didn't mean you couldn't be angry with them anymore, but it meant that you accepted what happened and had hope to move on.

"I forgave him a long time ago," he replied quietly, glancing down at me. His eyes turned soft, and it was the same father I'd seen that day on the cliff. The happy one, the one who hadn't been disturbed by the tragedy of that day. "It was wrong of me to keep him from knowing all these years... I know that. But it's too late."

I chuckled. "No, it's not." I took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I have to go back sometime, Dad. And when I do, I'll tell him. Alright?"

"Yeah," he whispered. "That would be nice."


It was later that I felt a rawness in my stomach. Like part of me was being whisked away. I looked to Mom and Dad worriedly, my hand pressing against my stomach. Everything outside felt fine. But inside, I almost felt empty.

"What's going on?"

Mom smiled sweetly at me. "You're going back, sweetheart."

A small panic swept over me; I shook my head as I reached for both of them. My arms wrapped around their shoulders, the tears slowly beginning to return.

"No, I can't leave you guys," I whispered.

"It takes time, Brielle. Relax. You aren't leaving completely just yet." Dad pulled away and cupped my cheek. His soft eyes matched mine as I allowed myself to calm. "Besides, there are some things we need to talk to you about before you go."

"What is it?"

Mom took a hold of my hand and led me away, the light growing brighter with each second. I was about to cover my eyes and ask what was happening, but a moment later I realized she'd brought me to cliff.

I had feared that I was going back all too soon, but that fear vanished. It was replaced by a warm feeling, something that reminded me of what I felt before Liam had arrived.

"What are we doing here?"

I heard the rush of the waves below, mixed with the breeze blowing. But none of it moved, like I'd noticed when this first started. Nothing was moving. The trees were still, the grass and the waves below. Everything was frozen.

But it sounded alive.

"We know what Judie is planning," Mom replied grimly. "I'd never expected my sister to be so against you, Brielle, trust me when I say that. She used to mean so much to me, and now I can't even stand to say her name."

"You cannot let her get to you, Brielle," Dad piped in, speaking just as grimly. "She won't stop until she does, but you mustn't let her."

"How do you guys know what she's doing?" I asked warily. Despite me being able to see, feel, and hear them, it was a surprise that they knew what was going on. I almost didn't believe it if it weren't for what was happening at the very moment.

"We watch over you every day, every night," he explained to me. "We know that she wants to hurt you."

"She's going to try and get in your head. Again, don't let her. She'll try to break you down and I know that you are strong enough to remember what is at stake if you fall into her trap. Do you understand me, honey? Don't let her get to you."

I nodded. "I know, I won't."

Suddenly Mom wrapped her arms around me as tightly as possible, enough that I almost couldn't breathe. But I didn't mind. I didn't mind at all.

"I wish we could be there to protect you, sweetheart."

I allowed myself to melt into her arms, knowing full well that it might be my last chance. I'd never experience this again, most likely. And to pass up something so simple as an embrace would be the biggest regret in my life.

"I know," I mumbled. "Me too."

The empty feeling grew in my stomach, spread to my chest. I took another long look at the both of them, the ache returning.

I didn't have much time left. And I think they knew that as well.

I no longer felt whole anymore.


Has anyone read I Was Here by Gayle Forman? God, I'm in love with her writing. I would say she's becoming my favorite.

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