Chapter Eight: "Hurdle Too High"

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"So how is school going?"

I looked across the table to Uncle Jonathan, who smiled with curiosity. He had known of the dangers that Liam posed being around us, and the events of his visit weren't new to him. It was as if he was always a part of the action, which made me feel a little more secure.

"Slowly coming along," I replied earnestly. "We've been hitting a few bumps lately."

"Oh?" His eyes shifted to Niall, not accusingly or angrily, but still with that same curiosity. Was he hinting at something besides the normal relationship worries?

"But we are proudly getting better," Niall quickly picked up, gently rubbing his hand across my back. "We plan to get back on track when school begins again."

"And when is that?"

"We're on a fall break," I explained. "So after Wednesday, we'll be back to normal routines."

"I assume you're ready for that?" Jonathan chuckled, by far amused. He'd always been amused at my comfort toward school and all that it did for me. Though I never enjoyed homework, I made sure it was done and that I got a good grade on it. If I didn't, I'd try even harder on the next round. Jonathan always joked about the many ways I was not my fathers child. My father hated work, especially when it came to dragging it out at home. My mother wasn't much different, so it was obvious my parents were confused when I came along and I was always trying to be at the top.

It wasn't until college started that getting good grades all the time wasn't as much of a priority as it was just getting it done. And after Liam, I was lucky if I turned anything in three days after it was due. I was losing credit, and I had to make up for it in all responsibility. I was never going to explain why I had missed all that time and my GPA had dropped for all of two reasons: one, because I was not up for a guilt trip and a free pass for those who knew about everything. And two, because I needed to prove myself, and make it look as if I was just slacking; I didn't need all that attention on myself if I was really just wanting to get the work done and over with.

"Always," I finally replied, grinning sadly. But no one seemed to notice as they turned to Carly and asked her how she was feeling, how school was going for her.

Afterwards, I stayed in the kitchen to help clean up, my mind in many different places, all too far away to bring back to reality. My uncle realized that, as he walked up next to me and began to help out.

"Your father always told me that you were a hard thinker," he teased slightly, bumping his hip with mine. "But I didn't know it made you slow."

I laughed, shaking my head as I mimicked his gesture.

"My father told you a lot of things, so it doesn't surprise me."

He sighed as he finished up his end of the dishes, all the while watching me carefully.

"Niall took Carly out for some ice cream," he explained softly. "I wanted to speak with you alone. And besides, Carly enjoys his company as much as she enjoys yours."

I smiled at the thought, blissfully enjoying the image of Carly and Niall best friends. I liked the idea. Very much.

"He's really great," he continued to say, his lips turned upward in a grin. "I'd say he's greater than you mentioned in all your emails and calls."

"Sometimes words can't describe how amazing someone is." I failed to keep the frown from plastering itself onto my face, which he noticed before I did.

He stood straight, now serious. His arms were folded over his chest and he was standing with purpose.

"Tell me what's bothering you."

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