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The warm ocean breeze felt so nice compared to the harsh winter. The calming sound of waves against the shore, the seagulls calling out above, searching for food to snatch up. I had definitely not felt anything this... relaxing in a really long time.

I could see all of the children and men and women--families, mostly--running around the beach. The children were giggling, tagging each other, waiting for their siblings to come closer so they could splash them. The parent watched, keeping a careful, watchful eye, all the while talking with a soft smile on their faces.

They looked so happy. They looked... normal. It made me smile.

Everyone was so preoccupied with their day on the that not a single person noticed the girl sitting at a table not too far enough to see but close enough to the ocean, quiet and observing of the life she never got to have.

I sighed. I didn't get to have many things... but it was all over now. It was good.

"Did you figure out what you wanted to do yet?"

I looked up, looking upon those ice-blue eyes and the smile on his lips, the soft curve of his face. With him, everything always seemed the most beautiful. Maybe it was because I'd never thought either of us would've made it this far, and yet here we stood.

"I'm kind of tired," I said, eyes peering back out over the many families still enjoying the beach waves and gentle breeze. "It's been a long morning. Can we go back to the hotel?"

He laced his fingers with mine and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. "Sure, baby. Let's go."

We stood, packed our things together, and made our way back to the ridiculously fancy hotel he'd booked for us. So many things were different now. Who we were, and what we did. I missed Claire's face, and Harry's. I missed their voice. I wanted nothing more than to go back and see them, but of course, it was for the best.

Niall and I stopped at our door, and I waited as he pushed the key card in and awaited approval. The manager of the hotel told us that we were the only ones with a card to our room, as did all the other guests. The rooms had to be broken into for access if someone lost their card. It was nice to know that there was that kind of security so no one could steal the card and get in.

Niall led me to the bed once inside. "Just go ahead and lie down, baby. I'll get some food ready."

I kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

I slipped my shoes off and removed my hair tie. The bed looked so promising, so comfortable. We'd only slept in it once, considering we hadn't been here long, but last night was a pretty good night's sleep. I was looking forward to a nap.

The moment I sat down in the bed, Niall's voice rang across the room.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. A letter came in earlier this morning. I put it on the table for you."

My heart jumped with excitement as I stood and ran to the table. All feelings of fatigue faded, and I rushed to get the letter open.

I recognized her handwriting before I read anything, and I sat down in case my legs gave out. Hearing from them was the single most relieving thing I'd experienced since the incident, although the anticipation was killing me.


It's been so long since we've seen you, or heard from you. So many things have happened since you got our last letter. Harry is doing wonderfully as the new pop warner coach. All the boys love him, even say he's the best at playing football. They all argue that maybe he would've been the best in the NFL, but we all know how that would've turned out, haha. It's crazy how happy he is just doing this for the kids. As for me, the dress shop is turning out so amazing. The people there are so kind, and they're always asking me how my day is or if I need anything. It would be nice to tell them everything I've been through and explain that all I really need is my best friend back, but they'd never sit through that kind of story. They wouldn't have the time.

Through the Dark (Sequel to Taking Chances)Where stories live. Discover now