Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Fighting For More"

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Carly all too suddenly screamed, emptying her lungs of the air meant for her tears. Jon released Brielle's hand and backed away, bumping into Carly before he could realize she was there. With the doctors shouting orders to the nurses and yelling about needing to be in too many places at once, I found it difficult to snap myself out of the daze.

Carly ran out of air seconds later; she screamed again, only louder. My eyes snapped to her horrified face, knowing the fear that was threatening to shut her down was singeing all of us. And then the voices blurred, and I couldn't see Brielle convulsing anymore. I snapped into action, hurrying to Carly. I wrapped my arms around her small, frail shoulders and pulled her close, cooing soft whispers of comfort in her ear.

Her screams turned to sobs, and soon just to heaves of dry air. My hand rubbed smooth circles on her back as I kept her eyes away from the work of the doctors, holding her head as I watched them work furiously to calm Brielle.

Jon stood beside me, heaving for air, eyes too wide for his pale face.

Some would blame him for not taking care of Carly like I had been. If I was a different person, I might have judged, too. But I wasn't, and I didn't. Jon and Carly were witnessing family react violently, someone they cared for better than blood ever had. I didn't blame him for being in shock. I didn't blame anyone. I was only glad I was there to help where someone couldn't.

"What's happening?" Carly whispered, moving her head just enough to look up at me and not see Brielle behind her.

"She's fine," I whispered as I gave her the best reassuring smile I could muster. "She's just waking up."

"Niall, please don't lie." A tear fell from her eye as she stared up at me, fear anything but withering in her eyes. "What's happening to her?"

"Nothing, Carls." I grabbed her shoulders gently and gave her a very small shake. "I promise you, okay? She'll be fine."

Her eyes stared back into mine for another few minutes, considering my words, and finally she just sighed and nodded, falling back into my embrace.

I turned my gaze to the doctors, who were working fast and hard to get her to still. The heart monitor went wild again, and then it abruptly silenced.

The tension, the devastation, the world of fear and pain, all hung in the air as we waited. Brielle stilled, her body settling into the bed. The doctors were breathing heavily, eyes wide and wary as the too waited for her response.

It was a miracle, because a moment later we jumped from the jerk of her body and the exploding gasp that flew into the air. Jon choked as Brielle's eyes flew open, and Carly wrenched around in my arms.

I froze, watching, as the doctors slinked back in relief, breathing out heavy sighs, as they stepped away, checking her vital signs. When they finished, they left the room to give Jon and Carly and I some space with her, promising to be back soon for some more tests.

Jon spilled tears immediately, and Carly ran from my arms to Brielle, who looked around the room at the white coats and the medical tools and Jon and I behind all of it. She began breathing heavily, and nearly screaming when Carly jumped up onto her bed. But then recognition fell upon her, and she broke out into the biggest smile I'd seen in a long time.

"Brielle!" Carly sobbed as she fell into her arms. "Oh my God, you're okay!"

"Yeah," Brielle whispered, wrapping her arms around the small girl she held so dear to her. "Yeah... I'm okay."

Jon laughed, a hearty laugh, and moved toward her. "Oh my... Brielle... I can't believe you're awake."

"Uncle Jon," she breathed, reaching out an arm for him to join the embrace. They hugged, sobbing and releasing the joy that Brielle was finally awake. And all I could do was stand and watch; there was a hollowing in my chest that was beginning to repair itself, and slowly the devastation disappeared into the tense air around me.

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