Chapter Thirty-Four: "Nice to Meet You"

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"Okay, your flight leaves in half an hour. You guys should really get going." Claire grabbed one of Brielle's bags and put them by the door.

"Claire, stop stressing. Everything will be fine. I mean, are you sure you're even going to be alright?"

I intertwined my hands with Brielle's and kissed her cheek. "Of course. She'll be fine."

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Claire said, mimicking me. She laughed when Brielle put her head in her hands.

"Come on, babe. Let's go be normal for a moment." I pulled on her hand, heading toward the door.

"Wait, I gotta say goodbye to Harry," Brielle nearly burst, pulling my hand back. I stumbled, just barely catching myself on the doorknob.


We turned, and Harry stood in the doorway, smiling broadly. He was still in his practice uniform, sweaty and dirty, and Claire pushed him away when he went to greet her.


Brielle laughed, letting go of my hand to hug the sweaty and dirty Harry that Claire rejected. He hugged her back, and it was briefly brought to my attention that I didn't feel jealous at all.

Harry had Claire, and only once had he been unfaithful. Harry didn't leave Claire's side now, which meant he was loyal and faithful to her. I didn't doubt what he felt for her, nor did I think that the ring on her finger and the promise of forever meant absolutely nothing. Harry was one of Brielle's friends, one of her closest friends, and I didn't ever want to take that away from her. I knew I could trust Harry with her, so the jealousy was never an issue.

"You didn't think you could escape me that easy, did you?" He laughed, moving away to greet me. "I wouldn't let you guys leave until I saw you off."

"Isn't practice still on?" Claire asked, her expression confused. He hadn't told her he left?

"Yeah, but I needed to see you guys before you left."

"We'll only be gone a couple days, four at the most," Brielle assured him, though she was smiling happily.

"Four long days, that's all I know."

Claire took his hand, smiling at him in that way that reminded you just how in love they were. I wondered if that was what I looked like when I looked at Brielle...?

"I'll miss you guys," Brielle added firmly. "Please don't get married without us."

"We wouldn't dream of it." Claire pushed Brielle to the door again as we grabbed our bags. "Now go before you miss your flight."

"Bye, I love you guys!"

"Have fun!"

In the car, Brielle sighed. "I'm not sure we should do this now, Niall..."

"Hey. No second thoughts. We can do this."

"No, I don't think we can. It's just not a good time."

I reached out and took her hand in mine and offered her the best smile I could muster. Her eyes roamed over my face as if to look for a reason to go home, but I gave her none.

"I want you to meet them, Brielle," I told her softly. "And I think they'll be excited that you will be."

She frowned. "You haven't talked to them yet?"

"No." I pulled away and got focused back on driving. "But I will."

"When? Niall, we're about to get on a plane to Colorado. When did you think would be a good time?" She was angry now, not that I blamed her at all.

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