Chapter Seventeen: "Fault"

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Part One


It was definitely a risk to be right where we were. But Brielle and I both knew just how important this was; we had to obtain those documents before Judie came back for them. That is, if she hadn't already come back for them.

Brielle was full of hope, though. She was determined as well, which may or may not have been a good thing for this particular errand.

As she strode up to the front door, I watched. Her long hair had been pulled back in a sloppy braid, and her eyes were more or less tired. Although despite my suggestion that she sleep, she refused. She told me that it was her turn to save us, and that she wouldn't give up until it was done.

I could see that she was burning herself out before she'd even started, but she wouldn't let me take care of her.

"I don't need you to take care of me," she'd said, smiling softly at me. "I can do it myself. Trust me."

I trusted her, alright. To break down before anything could happen. It seemed that this was going to be harder than Liam ever was, and that meant we would all feel like utter shit, no matter what each of us had been through.

There was a chill through the air, pushing at our backs roughly as we waited for the door to open.

"Maybe I didn't knock loud enough," Brielle mumbled to herself, a frown etched onto her face. She knocked again, louder this time, and stood back.

We waited, listening to wind kick at our backs, feeling the cold air nip at our skin mercilessly. But again, there was nothing. Only the sound of silence.

Brielle brought her knuckles up again, pounding on the door.

I stepped up next to her, gently placing my hand on her shoulder. She jumped, glancing at me lightly.

"I don't think they're here, babe," I said, smiling softly. But she only turned away, biting down on her lip.

"Are you sure? I mean, maybe I still wasn't knocking loud enough." She looked at me, though all I saw was fear. "Carly likes to turn the TV up so loud you'd think she's deaf. Maybe they didn't hear me."

I had begun to get the idea that she wanted them to open the door. The fear in her eyes told me that she wasn't as sure as she'd been when we left (something I would never hold against her), and now she was afraid of being in there without them around.

"Brielle, look at me," I mumbled as I took her face in my hands. "I promise we won't be long. I know it's hard, baby. I know. But we have to do this. Okay?"

She continued to look at me, eyes flickering back and forth between mine. I had no idea whether I wanted to kiss her or hug her or neither, but just standing there was killing me.

Finally, I pressed my lips to hers, a reassuring gesture that hopefully helped her think a bit more clearly.

"I promise that we'll be out as soon as we get everything," I assured her.

"Okay," she whispered back, her smile gentle and appreciative. "I love you."

"And I love you."

She turned on her heel and reached under the welcome mat, pulling out a key. She pushed it into the door handle and shoved the door open, the creak echoing inside the empty home. Her eyes slowly glanced to mine as she stepped inside, looking for reassurance. Luckily, I'd given her some, and we stumbled inside.

It was warm and cozy, as if someone had been there recently. My eyes darted back and forth over the kitchen and living room, finding nothing but the silence and stillness.

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