Chapter Four: "Many A Mistake"

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Losing her was more than I realized I could take. I was too stunned by her words and her actions to react the few moments after she left. All I could do was stare at the spot on the floor where she stood. And then at the door, where she so easily left. Where she left me...

My breathing became uneven, and I felt myself reaching out into the air for her. I tried to will her back into place, so I could take her in my arms and hold her so tight she wouldn't think to let go. But every time I let my eyes open to see her standing in front of me again, I was disappointed to see her spot was still empty.

It was then that I was moving before I really understand where I was going. I pushed through the front door and ran out into the streets, eyes searching frantically for the beautiful face that I'd fallen in love with. The face that I was going to lose if I didn't do something about it as soon as damn possible.

Cars honked at each other farther down into the city, the street lights buzzed, but no matter where I went, where I looked, I couldn't find her. She had already left.

I sulked, frown deeply etched in my face and the realization of what was happening causing me to practically lose my mind.

It was then that I scrambled back to the apartment. I grabbed my keys and my phone, hurdling myself into my car. All the while, I phoned her. I called only three times before I realized that she was not going to pick up. I then dialed Harry's number, my fingers tapping against the steering wheel as I waited impatiently for him to pick up. I knew if I called Claire, she would only answer to insult me for being such a horrible person. And frankly, I wasn't feeling all that great enough to take her criticism.

Finally, he picked up.

"Hey, mate. What's up?"

"Is Brielle there?"


"Is she there?" I repeated, dead panning my words. I was desperate to take her back, to have her in my arms. I was a complete and ridiculous idiot to let her walk away from me. To let her tell me we were ending things if I didn't say I believed her. What kind of person is stupid enough to let anger get in the way of believing the person you're in love with? A complete and utter idiot.

And that's exactly what I was.

He sighed on the other end, and that notion had me gritting my teeth. "Tell me if she's there, damn it."

"Niall, she's not exactly alright right now."

"I know that, don't you think I know that?" I growled angrily (I mean, is there really any other emotion to feel when you're growling in a time like this?).

"Why don't you call her yourself?"

"I tried!" I near shouted. "I tried three times and she didn't pick up."

"It's because you're a dick!" I heard in the background, and the screech could only be recognized as Claire's.

I rolled my eyes the moment I could think about her insult more than once. Of course, she would jump on me the moment she got the chance. She's Brielle's best friend.

"Claire," Harry grumbled. Although her words carried as I could hear a struggle and then silence. But only for a moment.

"Listen, you jackass. I'll have you know that if you ever tell Brielle she's making something up when you're simply scared to face your problems, I'll find you and I'll kick your sorry ass, despite how tough you think you are. You got that? And I don't want to hear about how sorry you think you are, because you've clearly proven that Brielle isn't your top priority."

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