Chapter Nine: "Playing Games?"

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Anyone could see how stressful it was to learn something that could destroy the normal she so desperately wanted. After everything that tried to stop her, she was still fighting, even when I easily could've seen no hope. She was still holding onto the faith that she would be able to sleep without nightmares, and she'd wake up without worrying about what would ruin her day, a break never in sight.

I wished I could keep her happy, that I could make her worry fade away. But those papers... they were ruining it. She was so strung on them. She zoned out constantly, and that night alone was hard to even tell her I love her. She was staring off, as if something was more important that what was in front of her. And I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about Carly, and her uncle. She wasn't visiting me, she was visiting them.

So to wake up, with my arm around her waist and my head buried in her neck, my eyes casted across the room to the mirror that overlooked her entire room, to see her face so peaceful and at ease, it was something that put my mind at ease. It calmed me, made me feel overjoyed. I liked being able to see her without worry or fear or anger in her eyes.

It was then that those beautifully haunted eyes opened, and she stared back at me through the mirror. For a moment she looked impassive, no emotion. Although her eyes softened that very moment later, and the tiniest smile curved her lips.

"Are you staring at me?" she asked, unable to talk without the indication of her smile.

"No," I chuckled. "I'm admiring you."

Her brows rose and she turned her head around to stare at me, eventually shifting her entire body so that she lay just across from me. She shook her head at me, still smiling.

She was so beautiful...

"I'm pretty sure staring at a girl while she's sleeping, in the mirror, is creepy," she clarified confidently, nodding her head.

"Well, that's where you're wrong," I explained as I used my wrapped arms to pull her closer to me, enjoying her giggle. "Because I distinctly remember saying only, I don't know, three seconds ago that I wasn't staring, I was admiring. I'm sure you've heard of that word, right? Admiring?"

Her beautifully angelic laughter echoed through the room, her eyes crinkling. "Niall, I have, I'm just not so sure you have."

"Oh, I have," I nodded, bringing my face closer to hers. My lips brushed against hers as I bowed my head, the humor dying down slowly. "I have."

Our lips met, and I savored the taste of care-free ease. I savored knowing we had time, finally. I savored knowing that even if she worried, it was impossible for our lives to burn in hell anymore. It was just physically impossible.

It was good that I savored that feeling, too, because a moment later, she pulled herself away from me.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, bringing her hand up to brush my chin gently. That same look of worry and frustration, of sadness, returned on her face, and she stared anywhere but my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly. "Tell me."

"I'm sorry," she repeated, despite the roll of my eyes that I gave. "It's just... I can't stop thinking about those reports..."

I stared her for a moment, as if to make sure I was hearing her right. And then I sighed in frustration, more in disbelief. I dropped my hold around her and rolled back onto my back, my eyes casted up toward the ceiling. She lay beside me, staring, unsure of how to respond for a second. Sure she was troubled, wondering why I was strung on her reactions. But it was almost like she was going around to find these things. I mean, how convenient is it that Carly led her to the only room she was never allowed in and everything that could bring us down under the sun was contained in that one room?

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