Chapter Thirty-Five: "Reckless"

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The house I walked into wasn't nearly anything like the Niall I knew. Everything was so open and clean and home-y. Family portraits sat on bookshelves, landscapes lined the walls. Small pictures of quotes that represented family made me think about how much I missed mine.

I squeezed Niall's hand as we walked into the kitchen where his Mom was waiting. She smiled at us once we made it to her, and I was surprised when she handed me a cup of tea.

"I don't know if you like tea," she said, apologetic after seeing my hesitant expression. "I just assumed... you seem so laid back."

I shook my head and managed a smile. "It's fine. I love tea, actually."

Niall glanced at me, his eyes wary. I knew he disapproved of me not coming clean about my parents' death. But honestly, what kind of conversation would that be? I was just introduced to his mother, who didn't even know we were coming until I demanded that Niall inform her. I didn't know when I'd be introduced to his father, whom I suspected would be something challenging altogether. If I told them he was dating someone who'd lost everything to a betrayal of blood, who would they see afterward?

A girl, laid back, battling fears and constant reminders that her own brother committed murder and completely ruined his little sisters life? Would they see someone trying to fix their life? Or would they see someone who was broken, in need of fixing that wouldn't be their son?

Keeping them at bay was the best choice I had, the most beneficial for now until I could figure out how well they'd take the news. When I knew them enough, I'd come clean. I didn't doubt that for a second. But I needed time, and I needed to trust them.

Greg entered the kitchen silently, avoiding my eyes. I caught him glaring at Niall, but it was over when he turned away with a bag of chips. When he was gone, his mother smiled again.

"So, Brielle, what do you do? Any job occupations?"

I frowned. Okay, maybe this will be a lot harder than I originally thought.

"No, but I'm definitely looking."

She nodded. "It's about that time. Time to grow up and move into the real world."

Niall let go of my hand and opened the fridge. I watched him, uneasy and wary. I hadn't been around a family since my parents... and the thought that I was with this woman who seemed so nice and grounded and sweet made me almost sick.

"Bobby should be home soon, Brielle. I think he'll be very pleased to meet you," his mom said.

"Mum, I don't think she'll get to meet him just yet," Niall interjected, easing a smile her way. "She's really tired. I think we should let her nap."

"Oh, right, of course," she chuckled. Her hand took mine as she lifted the cup of tea from my fingers and dumped it into the sink. "We'll be serving dinner around six, darling. Niall, you'll make sure she's up by then?"

"Of course, Mother." He smiled, kissed her forehead, and took my hand.

He led me away from the kitchen and into the hallway where four doors sat. Typically, I assumed one was the bathroom and the other three were bedrooms. But I didn't say anything as I let him pull me to the very back corner, the last door.

"It hasn't changed since I left, I think," he said, his eyebrows furrowing. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was nervous. "But it's really boyish, so please don't laugh."

I bit my lip. "Niall, I won't. I promise."

"And don't bite your lip either," he whispered as he reached for the door. A smirk formed on his lips as he looked down at me. "Because then you won't get your nap."

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