Chapter Fifty-Four: "Party For The Dead"

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Everything had been going so well all night that I'd completely forgotten about any drama in our lives. I had witnessed so much joy and laughter and good times to care about problems waiting for us at home, and everyone could tell.

Unfortunately, I had seen Crystal's face a little more often than not, and when I couldn't take it anymore, I asked Claire if she'd been invited.

Claire frowned. "Crystal? You mean like the one who tried to take Niall from you?"

I nodded. "That's the one."

"No," she laughed. "Of course I didn't. The girl wouldn't be caught dead on my guest list unless she had the guts to come and apologize for being so shady. I'd never trust her enough, anyway. Why do you ask?"

I frowned and shook my head. So if Claire hadn't invited her, then how the hell had she gotten in? I eventually saw the look of worry that was starting to form on her face, and I smiled wide enough to convince her not to.

"It's nothing. I thought I saw someone that looked like her and I wasn't sure." I turned my head to check if Niall was paying attention this way, but he was busy chatting Harry up about something, probably guy related. I placed my hand on Claire's forearm and gave her a smile. "I'll be right back, I haven't used the bathroom all day."

She nodded. "Don't get lost!"

I couldn't help laughing at her. No matter what, she could turn a bad mood into the greatest one you'd ever had.

I quickly made my way out of the room, being sure to check if anyone had seen me turn the way opposite of the bathroom.

As much as I didn't want to ruin their wedding, I had to know how the hell Crystal found her way in and what she was doing here. If she wasn't invited, there had to be some reason that wasn't just to congratulate the married couple. I didn't want to ruin the wedding, but somewhere deep inside, I was afraid Crystal did.

I found the guest list laying on the table near the door, sitting open. My eyes immediately skimmed through all the names, which were so many, and continued looking until the end. Not once had I found her name. I checked a second time, then a third and went slower than before. I even tried to concentrate on where her name would be considering it was in alphabetical order. There was no name matching hers anywhere.

I was beginning to worry. If she wasn't invited, and it was proven to be true because her name wasn't even on the guest list, then how in the hell was she walking around the dining hall eating food, dancing, and flat out managing to avoid being spotted by anyone but Niall and I? What was she even doing here?

I heard the door slam closed to the dining hall, and I looked up sharply and straightened myself out. But my eyes had to have been deceiving me, because Crystal and I had locked eyes since the moment I first saw her sitting two rows away. I was angry, curious, but overall concerned. Where was she even going?

"What are you doing here?" I asked, speaking loud enough that it was no doubt she'd heard me.

She simply looked away and began making her way toward the bathroom, which was where I was supposed to go. I sighed.

"Hey, Crystal! What the hell are you doing here? Hey!"

I ran after her, fired up. First she showed up uninvited, and now she was ignoring me? How much nerve did the girl have?

I shoved my way through the bathroom door and shouted her name one last time, but the room was empty. I was so confused, and yet so pissed off. What the hell was going on?

"This isn't funny, Crystal. What the hell are you doing here? Come out, now," I snapped, eyes searching the stall doors to see if any had closed, but they were all still open.

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