Chapter Forty-Seven: "Days Gone By"

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Whaaaaaat? I disappeared for awhile? Nuh uhhhh...

I love you all & I'm sorry that I disappeared. Life got in the way. Love you. Again.


The food in my mouth was so delectable that for a second I couldn't really say anything that would do it justice. So I let myself shut up and enjoy it without any effort in deciding how to describe it.

Across from me, Claire shoveled food into her mouth, same as me, but she moaned in delight at the taste and closed her eyes. Harry, on her right, ate quickly and rather quietly, giving nothing away. He glanced up at Niall, then back down to his food.

My eyes wandered to Niall next, curious as to his reaction, and I frowned when I noticed the barely eaten food still sitting on his plate. Something was bothering him, and I could tell it was something huge.

"Why don't you cook like this any other time?" Claire muttered in disbelief, looking up at me, almost pleading for me to promise I'd do it more often. It lightened my mood a little.

"Because I slaved over this, and it seems you and I are the only ones to really enjoy it," I teased, sneaking a glance at both Harry and Niall before giving up on trying to get them to talk when it became clear they were lost in their thoughts.

"Screw them." She waved them off, but her grin was radiant. That was always what a good meal could do to a girl. "I think this is legendary. You should've pursued your dream of being a chef."

I laughed aloud. "Oh my God, do you remember how long ago that was? Ages. Honestly, I think I've moved on by now, don't you?"

"Well you are really good in the kitchen. I don't think it's half bad. Hey, maybe you can even own a quaint little restaurant. That'd be pretty cool."

I shrugged. "I honestly feel that's a little... farfetched."

When she looked back up at me, I noticed a sadness in her eyes, the kind that usually lingered whenever we talked about the past. I'd never really gotten used to its depth and reality, so seeing it again nearly made me gasp. I didn't let it show, though. Or, at least, I tried not to.

I wasn't very successful, apparently, because Claire's gaze softened intensely and she sucked in a breath. I looked away so quickly that whoever was watching me would be keenly aware that something was wrong.

"It didn't used to be, Bri," she whispered.

I couldn't look at her, feeling too guilty about bringing her into all of this to even look into her eyes. It was my fault she was even in danger in the first place, and no matter what she said, I was going to fix it somehow. She shouldn't have had to live this life of hiding and running and constantly fighting something too great for us to ignore. The guilt just kept piling up, weighing more and more.

Suddenly Niall dropped his fork and lifted his gaze to match all of ours, looking serious and determined. "We need to talk about what's going on."

The eating ceased, conversation now tense, and everyone almost froze as we waited for him to keep going. I finished chewing before I swallow and put my full attention on him. I realized that this was what had been bothering him, the whole problem that we'd seemed to have avoided for the entire week we'd been here so far.

I hadn't realized that after all these days gone by that not once had we talked over where we were heading or what was going on outside of this safe house. I guess we'd all gotten so caught up in enjoying this blissful peace, this one chance we'd get before we could return to our lives and go back to school, that thinking about the possibilities of that never happening wasn't welcome enough to be remembered.

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