Chapter Thirty-Seven: "The Past"

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt as if I had a huge headache. I thought that maybe my head would explode and I would be able to end all this anger and frustration that Niall's father had caused.

I didn't mean to burst into words yesterday. Honestly, all I wanted was just to make him see what he was missing out on with Niall. He was so set on kicking Niall out because Niall had a heart, set on wanting Niall to be as "great" as Greg, but he didn't know what was really great about Greg. He didn't know about Niall the way I did.

Niall had warned me about his father's intentions, about the past. He didn't want me around his father for that very reason. But Niall being the sweet guy he was remembered and tried to make up for the accident. I would have been fine if I didn't have to meet anyone. I would have been just fine with him and only him.

I was covered up to my neck in the blankets when Niall came into the room. I saw the aspirin in his hand, followed by a glass of water, and he smiled as he closed the door and sat on the end of the bed. I barely moved, though, because doing so hurt like hell.

"There's ice cream if you want some. I can get you a bowl," he said softly, blue eyes staring down at me with a gentleness that eased some of the pain.

"No, no," I whispered. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Not to be rude, but you look like hell, baby."

I laughed. "Thanks."

He sighed, holding his hand out for me to take the aspirin. I forced myself into a sitting position, pushing the blanket off of me to reveal my university tee and leggings that I'd lazily thrown on this morning. Niall patiently waited for me as I took the aspirin, swallowing it down with the glass of water.

My head still pounded, more so now that I'd sat up, but I remained still as I closed my eyes, pushed my head into my hands, and groaned loudly. It was really painful, adding to the shit I felt like, but it was enough for Niall to wrap his arms around me and pull me against him.

My head was on his shoulder, one of his hands in my hair and the other around my waist. It was comforting, though not enough to ease the ache. Still, I was glad he was there to hold me.

"This is probably the worst one I've ever had," I grumbled hoarsely.

"I wish I could make it better," he mumbled.

Me too, I thought.

He took a deep breath before he released me, his blue eyes matching mine and catching all of my attention.

"So... my mum wasn't really happy with last night," he began, his tone hesitant and fleeting. I felt dread crawl up my throat. "So she asked me to talk to you about maybe going with her to the market today."

My eyes widened slightly as I froze. "What?"

He nodded. "Yeah. She just wants to talk."

"But-she'll chew me out," I mumbled breathlessly. "I probably pissed her off after saying all of what I did yesterday. And not to mention that I practically lied to her about my parents."

"You didn't lie," he sighed. "You just didn't tell her the whole truth."

"She might think that's a lie," I countered, panicked.

I couldn't talk to his mother. She would tear me apart, chew me up and spit me out. I wouldn't survive the day with his mother only. What did she have to say? What did she think of me now? I couldn't stand it if she thought differently of me after my outburst.

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