Chapter Fifty-One: "Zayn Malik"

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"Does anyone know where the flowers are supposed to be? Anyone?"

Zooming past me was a frantic Harry Styles looking for help as to what the hell he was supposed to do with the flowers for decoration. I had to say, watching him struggle was pretty amusing, considering that football player of a man was terrified of what Claire would say if she knew he hadn't listened to a single word she'd said about her vision for how it would look.

"Harry, you mind telling me how I can help you?" Niall chimed, grinning. He, too, found Harry highly amusing.

"Just tell me what to do with these," Harry cried, eyes wide with frustration. He glanced around once more as if he'd find the answer written on a wall.

I shook my head. It was fun watching him panic, but I figured he'd attracted enough torture. I took them from his ghastly white fingers and smiled softly. "I'll take care of this. You guys just go do your... bachelor stuff... or whatever it is."

Niall cheered. "Now that's more like it! Come on, I know a great place to relax."

"Don't get arrested," I called as they walked off. "I can't afford to bail anyone out."

"No promises!"

They, along with their racket of noises, disappeared, leaving me and the rest of the planning crew to finish touching up the hall.

For the past week, every detail of the wedding had been unfolded and presented as reality, which gave everyone more than enough to do. It certainly kept everyone's mind off of Judie, which was extremely necessary. With a moment alone to think about what she wanted, and also the fact that she was still out there somewhere, the mind could create some wicked theories.

Thankfully, Claire asked me to stay by her side most of this time, so stopping alone for a moment to think was never an option. Although I did have a feeling she would've kept me busy even if I wasn't with her every minute of every day.

The flowers Harry handed over to me were to be placed in a vase on each table, giving it a homey feel. Claire wasn't exactly sold on the idea, but everyone agreed that traditional weddings followed that sort of thing. Too bad Claire wasn't all that traditional.

I quickly armed every table with a vase full of flowers, and once I finished I stood back to admire my work. It was then that I noticed a figure standing in the doorway of the hall. Tall, dark, and stunningly gorgeous. It was a face I had not expected to see since Liam became a danger to everyone.

"What a wedding," that smooth voice echoed toward me.


He smiled, the kind that was hard to miss, and made his way over to me. He looked different. Or, at least, the kind of different that screamed normal. I hadn't known him well enough to know what his normal was anyway.

"You look... ravishing, as always, Brielle," he said, holding his arms wide.

I was briefly reminded of the night we "met," when we danced in the club and I was so interested that I bugged Claire hard enough to annoy her so I could see him again. He smelled familiar. How long had it been again?

"You don't look too bad yourself," I mumbled. I looked him over one more time as we parted, and I couldn't help but marvel at his flawlessness. "What are you doing here?"

His eyes were storms of brown, ones I wasn't used to at all. "Claire invited me. A bit last minute but I hear things have been... interesting."

I sighed. "Have they ever. But let's not ruin a great weekend by talking about my psychopath family. Let's talk about where you've been! How are you? Meet anyone? Move away? What's been going on?"

He laughed, my questions a bullet he was probably trying to dodge. Seeing as he was never all that open about his life before, I wasn't surprised.

"I'm finishing school this year. It's been tough trying to do homework and juggle my job but it's working well enough"---he grinned---"and I've strayed away from new friends. Who knows? You might have a psycho trying to kill his sister on your hands."

Liam was never a sure joke in my life, ever, but talking with Zayn after everything and listening to his normalcy was so deliciously new that I ate it up and had no choice but to laugh.

"Yeah... but I'm glad you're doing well. It's been hard for all of us to get back to normal. I don't know... with everything going on, I don't even know what that is anymore." I frowned. For a moment, I was a reminded that Judie was still trying to kill me, and that the wedding was the only thing that was busying all of us so we wouldn't think about it. But how long until Judie made a move that we weren't prepared for?

Zayn studied me for a minute, his dark eyes loaded with concern. "Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "No. I couldn't drag you into it again. It's not fair to anyone. Hell, I don't even know why Claire puts up with me at this point. None of us were even sure this wedding would happen."

"That's ridiculous, Brielle. You know why they're still here," he said quietly. "You aren't your family."

"There are more details involved this time, Zayn." My voice dropped to a whisper, and I leaned close so as to avoid prying ears. "People aren't who they say they are and I'm in more shit than I was with Liam. It's just not the same."

"You still haven't killed anyone," he muttered, giving me a knowing look, as if that was supposed to help.

"I wouldn't say that's exactly true." I glanced away, the thought of Lucile sickening me. I closed my eyes. "It's way more complicated than before."

Zayn sighed, his eyes wandering around the room before they settled firmly back on mine. "You're adopted, and your birth mother died on the table. Judie isn't angry at you for killing your parents because she knows Liam is the real monster but she's angry because Lucile was her only friend, her favorite sister. You didn't kill Lucile, Brielle. It was a freak accident in which the doctors fucked up and you made it without her. You aren't a murderer."

My mouth, turned down in a shocked frown, was slightly ajar, though I could barely say anything. How the hell did he know any of that?

"Louis is good at getting around to old friends," was all he said before moving on. "Look, I'm still in the loop. I just haven't acted. It's best if I stay at a distance, you know?"

"Yeah..." I nodded as if to remind myself that I actually did understand. "Yeah, I get it. I'd always want that for everyone involved."

"But Claire asked me to be here, and I will be. As your friend, as hers, as Harry's and Niall's. Because I actually miss you guys."

I smiled. "We've missed you too."

The room had gotten busier since he'd arrived, so shouts and orders were at every turn. A few people rushed passed us to get their job done, others pondered at what they were going to do next. We'd been immersed into the world of wedding planning once again, and I was grateful for it.

"So, how can I help?"

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