Chapter Fifteen: "Thick and Thin"

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"The dog peed again."

"Can you clean it up? I'm cleaning the apartment."

"You've been sitting down for three minutes."

"A break. From cleaning the apartment. There's a hint, babe. It's saying, 'you do it.'"

"I'm playing video games."

"Which means you should do it."

"No, means you should do it."

"I don't see how that makes any sense."

He was still playing his games, but I refused to give in, so I walked back into the bedroom. I was not going to continue to bend over backwards to keep this apartment clean when I was only one who desired to do so. He would have to help me eventually, and I wanted that to be soon. If not, I'd end up getting us into another argument, and this one would not end with me giving in. I will not give in when it comes to cleaning.

I heard him sigh, but I didn't answer or move from what I was doing, and I listened to the games pause and him grab paper towels to clean it up. I smiled to myself as he sat back down and rejoined his games. I wasn't happy that he was playing them again. I was happy that he had actually gotten up and cleaned it. Now I could only hope that he would continue to do that. I would feel less upset about how he chose to live his life. And that I had to clean everything else myself.

When I finished, he was still playing his games, but this time he had gone into the kitchen and made a mess of the food.

I huffed. "Niall James, what the hell is it with you and messing everything up I clean?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The kitchen," I replied as I worked to clean it all up again. "Everything was nice and clean when I left it and now it's a freaking mess. Why can't you clean up when you're done with what you're doing?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I rolled my eyes, muttering, "Of course you don't."

I had just finished putting back the chips and the empty bag of cookies he'd heaved so quickly when the games paused and stood up, probably coming to talk to me. But I was too upset to pay any attention to him. He didn't like that, although he still stood there and waited for me to acknowledge him.

"Babe, I'm sorry."

"I know," I replied nonchalantly.

He sighed after a moment. "I didn't know you were serious about that. I'm sorry."

"It's not that you didn't take me seriously about this that I'm so upset about. It's that I always have to clean up after you when you're done. I'd really like for you to help me out sometimes. Like the dog peeing. Why did I have to leave the room and refuse to do for you to get up and do it? Especially when I told you I was already cleaning. I'm just... that's what made me upset."

"I'll help out, okay?" He moved across the room and turned me around to face him. His expression was upset and serious, which meant he was truly listening to me. And I was glad. "I'm sorry that I made you grow frustrated with that. I'll help out from now on."

I smiled, kissing his lips. "I love you."

"And I love you."

My phone rang, pulling me away from him. He looked over my shoulder as I answered, despite the fact that it was an unknown number.


"Brielle, hi. It's your Aunt Charlotte."

"Oh, hey," I replied, unable to hide my confusion. Why was she calling?

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