Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Home"

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Quick shout out to this amazing reader Zarianaisperf . So amazing & I greatly appreciate all of your comments! So sweet, so glad that she enjoys my stories like this. As the for the rest of my readers, I LOVE YOU TOO. Have a good day & keep being AWESOME.


My phone blared in my pocket, startling people in the terminal. Everyone looked at me, but I ignored them as I pulled my phone up to my ear to answer Claire.

I hadn't talked to her at all these last three days that I'd been at Niall's parents', so I was eager to share the details and ask how she'd been doing.


"I miss you!"

I laughed, watching as Niall laced our fingers together and kissed my knuckles.

"I miss you, too. How have you been? How's Harry?"

"We've been good. He's busy with practice, of course, but me and little Rascal have been making up for his absence."

I smiled. "Rascal? Is that the little puppy Harry gave you?"

"Yes it is," she cooed, giving me the hint that she was playing with him as she spoke. "And he's the cutest little puppy in the world, yes he is. Yes he is."

Laughter continued to course through me as I listened to her talk to her dog in a weird voice, the kind anyone usually did when speaking to their dogs for the first time since getting them. Niall squeezed my hand just as the intercom buzzed on and announced that our flight was then boarding.

"Hey, I'm getting on the plane now, okay? I'll text you when we land."

"Mhm. I'll be here playing with Rascal. Harry will be home soon, too, so you'll get to see him."

"Okay. I'll see you soon."


As I put my phone into my back pocket and grabbed my bags, Niall kissed the back of my hand and began to lead us away.

"So they named him Rascal, huh?" he mused.

"Isn't it cute?" I gushed.

He laughed. "Does this mean we have to get a puppy, too?"

I bit my lip as I contemplated the idea. "Maybe..."

It was nice to think maybe we could get a puppy and it would make everything just a little better in life, but I knew doing that wouldn't make anything better. The entire puppy concept was certainly left to Claire. I'd decided she needed it more.

"But I'll just settle with having you," I added.

His eyes locked on mine and he broke out into a smile, a joyful, pleased, delighted smile. He pulled me close, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and kissed my forehead.

"That sounds really nice."

We settled into our seats, careful to keep out of the way of those surrounding us to avoid any conflict. Niall understood that after what happened with his father, I didn't want to bother with another problem concerning anyone other than Niall himself.

I was really tired, surprisingly, and all I wanted to do to pass the time was just take a small nap. I knew Claire would probably plan something to have Niall and I over once we arrived home and I wanted to make sure I lasted.

I laid my head on Niall's shoulder after takeoff, closing my eyes for just a minute. Maybe if I was lucky, I'd fall asleep just like that.

Niall squeezed my hand, grabbing my attention. I lifted my head to meet his eyes, brows raised.

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