Chapter Twenty-Nine: "The Roots"

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My limbs felt so heavy I could've given up just to sleep again. The tests were running wildly, refusing to give me the rest I desired. The visits were exhausting as well, keeping me up to talk to Carly and Jon and Niall and Claire and lastly Harry.

The blinds were constantly drawn, no doubt meant to keep me babied for awhile. Maybe they thought if I saw any type of light too bright I'd pass out for another few weeks.

I fought on the constant careful attention that everyone gave me, like I was broken. And in a way I was, but not enough for my privacy and space to be invaded profoundly.

The doctors were in the middle of testing me when Niall came through the door. He held a cup of water and a pack of crackers, and though I was glad to see him, I was so sick of water and crackers that I could've hit him if I was able.

"Hey," he said, grinning. He'd been so happy lately that it was contagious. But then the tests would ruin everything, and I had to go back to remembering what had happened.

"Do not give me more crackers," I warned, holding up on finger to add emphasis. He paused, his grin vanishing, until Dr. Fernandez sighed.

"You need to eat something, Brielle. You haven't had anything all day."

"I'm so tired of crackers!"

"Babe, keep eating crackers and soon enough you'll be able to eat burgers and ice cream," Niall said, approaching me again. He sat down on the bed next to me, handing me both the cup and the crackers. He smiled softly, reaching forward to kiss my lips.

"Mm," I hummed. "Ice cream sounds delicious. Dr. Fernandez, can I have some?"

He looked down at me, biting his lower lip, and then he sighed and rolled his eyes. "Only a bowl. One single bowl, alright? This is the only cheat you'll get until you're ready to eat actual meals, okay Brielle?"

"Yes sir," I replied, grinning victoriously. I looked to Niall and grabbed his hand. "Babe, please?"

"I don't know, Bri," Niall mumbled. He glanced at Dr. Fernandez for a moment. Then back to me. "This is probably a bad idea."

"Just go ahead, Mr. Horan," Dr. Fernandez said as he waved his hand at us. He took his tests and headed for the door. "It won't hurt her. She'll be alright. Just don't get a lot. Wouldn't want to push it."

He left the room, Niall and I alone a moment after. Niall sighed, removing his hand from my grasp. He looked just as tired as the rest of them, only a bit sadder than them. They'd all gotten used to having me around again, yet somehow Niall seemed as unfazed as ever. What was going on? Was it me?

"You've been pushing it lately, Brielle," he muttered, his stern eyes burning into mine.

"No, you've just been babying me," I retorted matter-of-factly.

"I've been watching you carefully; there's a difference."

"Yeah, the difference being it's called 'babying.' Niall, sooner or later I'm gonna have to push the limits. Otherwise I won't get better." I stared hard at him, willing him to understand.

"It's only been a couple days. You don't need to push anything."

"A couple days? Niall, it's been almost two weeks."

Niall shook his head and stood up, leaving me cold and confused. Was he angry with me? Why? What had I done?

"It's not long enough to start pushing."

I laughed, though with little humor. "Not long enough? When's long enough? After a few months?"

"I didn't say that," he muttered, rolling his eyes.

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