Chapter Thirty-Three: "Even In Death"

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I could see her through the crack of the bedroom door. There were no tears, not anymore. There was only the wistful stare as she held her parents' photo frame in her hands, her fingers tracing over their faces delicately.

I wasn't sure how to take her newfound strength and determination to stop Judie. I expected this to happen just like the rest: she'd need time to grieve for her loss and find a way over it. But I could see from the moment her tears stopped and she told me we had to stop her there was no more grieving.

She didn't say anything on the way home, nor did she say anything when she went into the bedroom. In case she wanted someone to talk to, I stayed close and kept my phone on vibrate in my pocket. I sent Claire a text as well to let her know that Brielle would need someone who knew her family before college soon enough. She promised to be close, too.

Harry also promised to be available to leave practice should something else happen. Brielle didn't know any of this, though, because I didn't want her to worry about them. I wanted her to take a minute to worry about herself.

I couldn't describe what it was like to see Brielle lose her mind and scream like that. To hear her threaten to kill someone. Claire told me that before the Nineteenth, when Liam had taken me and Louis was beating me down, he'd called and what went down was a bit similar to this. She couldn't describe it, either. All she could tell me was that it took a lot to get her into that side of herself.

The deepest part of her mind. That was all I could think of to explain it. It took a stab into the deepest part of her mind to make her threaten people and see red, to act on the impulse that it took me nearly seconds to access.

It was the worst, most unnerving thing I'd ever seen. And I couldn't think of a way to un-see it.

Is she alright?

Claire had text on and off all day since I informed her about this. The text that stared me in the face was just another of many. I typed a response back quickly, my eyes moving back to Brielle in the bedroom.

She's fine. Hasn't moved.


I glanced up, seeing now that Brielle had looked up and noticed me in the doorway. I put my phone away and pushed the door open gently.

The photo was still in her hands, but her face no longer looked wistful. She smiled at me as I entered, softly shutting the door behind me. I didn't know when Claire would be stopping by, but I also knew it made me feel a bit more secure with the door shut.

"Hey," I mumbled, managing a smile of my own.

I sat down next to her on the bed, my eyes careful as I watched her movements. She seemed slow, yet determined all the same. Was she still on the kick about stopping Judie?

"You've been standing at the door for nearly an hour," she said softly, her hand reaching out and her fingers lacing with mine.

I lifted it so my lips pressed against her knuckles, closing my eyes for a brief moment. When I opened them, she was frowning again.

"I've been worried."

"I know," she whispered. She chuckled breathlessly. "I just... I wouldn't be able to explain what happened even if I tried."

"I know you wouldn't, baby," I replied, nodding. "I'm not asking you to. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"As normal as can be, right?" She laughed, though it wasn't sad like I'd expected. Instead, it was like she knew her flaw and used it as armor. It was like she didn't care that it was a shame normal wasn't "us" but it was instead what we dreamt of.

Through the Dark (Sequel to Taking Chances)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora