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Today is the day my son will introduce me to his class as his dad. He has been so excited all week. Cat asked me if I was going to wear my Marine blues. I guess it is more of my dad is or does thing.

As I was getting ready to head to Cat's house this morning, Charlie walk in my room.

" You have really proved me wrong, brother. I was almost positive that you were going to let that little boy down." I couldn't be mad at him for saying what he said. all in all, I had a thought of backing out before Cat told me the truth.

" Have you met that little man dude... He is amazing." I jokingly tell him.

" Yeah, I have....his mother raised him right..."

"That she has." I replied

" I'll see ya later man... Have fun today." He said walking out.

I am pretty sure he is not the only one that had their doubts about me.

I knocked on the door and heard....
" Mommy my Daddy is here." Hearing that really makes my heart melt.

Cat opens the door and gives me a killer smile.

I have been thinking about trying to take my relationship with Cat a step further here lately. I have been holding back a lot. I wanted to get to know Jaden a little better before anything else.

" Well don't you just look handsome mister." Cat said as she leaned up and kissed my cheek.

" Well thank you beautiful." I replied to her watching her face turn bright red. I so wanna make her face red and not with just my words.

" Jaden get your book bag bug." She yelled.
" Come in" she waved her hand to me.
I walked to her and gave her a hug. She feels amazing in my arms. She laid her head on my chest...
"Thank you," she whispered.
" You made him so happy."

" Baby you don't have to thank me. I am just doing my part..." She let out a small moan. I know it was meant in another way but I took it in a totally different way.

She let go of me and started walking away. She was already dressed for work in her tight black skirt that went right above her knees and a light purple blouse. I started picturing her bent over the desk at work with her skirt hiked up around her waist....

" I am ready daddy" my little man said, pulling my attention away from his mother's sexy fat ass.

We headed to the elementary school. I could tell right away Jaden was nervous...
" What's up little man?" I asked him hoping he trusts me enough to answer me.

" I am just excited I have never had a daddy before." He smiled a big smile.
" They are going to think I am lying."

" Oh bud they are not going to think you're lying... We will just tell the truth...your Daddy was gone for so long because he is in the Marines."

" Alright daddy." He said looking over at me.

When we pulled in I was lost as shit. I have never done anything this important before. It may only be going to my son's school but it's so important to him. I hope I don't let him down.

I had to sign in at the front office while we were waiting. Jerrod walked in with his little girl.

" Hey man what are you doing here?" He asked looking down at Jaden.

" I'm here with little man." I answered realizing we haven't been able to tell Emma and Jerrod.

" That's really cool of you...I would have expected Charlie not you." He said. I know he thinks I am just doing this for Cat....Nope, I am doing this for my son and myself.

" Hey umm after we are done here I need to talk to you."
Jerrod has been my best friend for as long as I could remember. His house was my second home.

" Yeah man...we go for coffee."

I guess we have changed let's go have a beer to let's get a coffee. Is this what parents do?

I signed in and Jaden led me to his class. When I saw his teacher, Emma, I thought here we go again.

Emma walked over to us...
" Hey guys..."
Her eyes were as big as saucers.
" I just got off the phone with Cat...hmm yeah well I guess maybe a congrats is in order or whatever....but Steven I really wanna say thank you, this means a lot to little man."
I just nodded.

Gabby and Richard walked in then Jerrod. What are all the kids in the same class? I know our town is small but I didn't realize it was this small.

Richard Jerrod and I stood in the back of the class. I watched Jaden he couldn't sit still. Emma gave him a look and stopped kicking his feet. She means business....

A couple of kids and their dads already went up. Emma called Jaden.

" Jaden...who did you bring with you today." He stood up and walked to the front of the class. His smile mirrored mine.

" I brought my Daddy, his name is Steven Car.... Dad how do you say it?" He asked as I walked to him.

" My name is Sgt. Steven Carmichael...aka Jaden's dad."  I introduced myself to a classroom full of little 5 and 6 year olds.

" My Daddy is in the Marines. He also works with my mommy now." Jaden said.

A little boy yelled out that I wasn't his dad and that he was lying. Then Jaden's little aunt Gabby stood up...
" Shut up Tristen he is not lying."
Emma looked over at Gabby...
" I'm sorry Miss Emma...Jaden's not lying."

" I know Gabby but you know the rules. Have a seat..... Now Jaden...do you know what the Marines are?" She asked
Jaden reached over and grabbed my hand and looked up at me.

" Yes, my Daddy was protecting our country."
I smiled, I could not be prouder of him.

He went and sat down and I went back to stand next to Jerrod.
" Umm I think you have so explaining huh?" He whispered. Richard heard him and chuckled...
" I think that an understatement"

When everyone was done it was time for us to go. Jaden came and gave me a hug...
" Thank you daddy." He said and quickly ran back to his friends. Jerrod gave me a look. I grinned at him. Emma came and gave Richard and Jerrod a hug then me.
" You made that little boys day....please don't let them down. She needs you even if she thinks she doesn't."

I followed Jerrod to the coffee shop. We went in got our coffee and sat down.
" So umm about Jaden..." I began to say. He sat there quiet just waiting for me to explain.
" He is my son...it happened the night before I left."

" I fucking knew it man....I knew when he was born....fuck dude." He rubbed the back of his neck shaking his head.
" How are you doing I mean just finding out?"

" It's fucking awesome man...I just wish I would have known....before. I wish I didn't make her feel that she had to keep it a secret."

" What changed now?" He asked

I told him everything... including the whole both me and Charlie seeing her. He was a little weird out about it.

" Man don't fucking hurt her....again. She is Emma's best friend I care about her and that little boy."

" I have no plans at all ever hurting her again"

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