Fatherly Fail Part 3

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"Hey . . Hey . . Hey . . Hey . ." 

Ian poked Anthony's head repeatedly getting his attention.


"Someone's a little bit worried about you." Ian said like he heard nothing.

"Worried about who?! what?!" He said annoyingly, but then notices Danielle standing in front of the backyard.

"She said she was sorry for scaring you." Ian added looking back at Danielle.

"She sure is a sensitive kid." Anthony said as he went back to his phone.

"You suck balls man.." Ian said in disbelief.

"What?! I'm just saying-"

"Go talk to her, dumb-ass. She's worried as hell about you." Ian pushed Anthony and snatched his phone away from him.

"Fine." He said leaving.


As Anthony came to the backyard, he saw Danielle sitting down on the grass looking up at the sky.

"For a kid your age, you don't jump in on techs that much huh?" He said walking next to her.

"I feel like my brother is telling me not to go online. So, I try my best not to touch comps or Istuff. " She looked back at Anthony.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

Anthony patted her head. 

And my did that turn their conversation awkward.

"You shouldn't be, Ian must've said he pranks me a lot. So, I'm used to it. It's just like his typical tricks."

"Thanks anyway.. But you sucked."  

She smiled.

"What?! Suck at what?"

"I know you'd be worried about him after bumping on Greg. I told Ian you might take it too seriously, but he's the one who convinced me it's going to be alright."

"He sure did. But, hey, don't worry about it. And how come you're so .. Smart?"

"I look 11 to you, don't I?" She examined his face.

"You do, I thought you were younger." Anthony said with confusion.

"I'm just really short for a 13 year old, huh?"

"No wonder, you're a lot clever than Ian!" Anthony looked back at Ian who was watching the both of them from his couch.

"That's what Adrian said about me, but with my brother." She laughs.

Anthony was going to ask who Adrian was, but Danielle looked like she was in no shape to answer another question.

"I really hate crying.." She said irritably.

Anthony couldn't agree more as he himself dislike the idea of crying. But for Danielle, that's something acceptable for her to do; she probably really misses her home, her friends, probably her mom, and especially her brother.

"You know, it's not always bad to cry about something." Anthony tried comforting her, but even he, himself, thought he sounded motherlike.

"I.. I really am grateful you guys decided to take care of me. It's just that I really miss my brother so much."

Anthony turned around to ask help from Ian since he, himself, cannot take the 'feels' anymore

Did you mess up?! Ian moved his lips.

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