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I know it's been a while since i last touched this story. Looking back at it now (July 10, 2019), I still can't believe that it would get this much attention from Wattpad readers.

It means a whole lot that up until today, people are still checking this out despite being pretty poorly written! (C'mon, it's true. 13 years old me was lucky it even got any attention)

Anyway, I just stopped by to clarify the fact to current readers (if there are any) that this was published on 2012 and finished around mid 2013 (or 2014?) And I'm well aware of what Smosh, Ian and Anthony have turned out through the years, so I apologize if any of you think the plot's outdated (because it is.) Just in case to avoid any further confusion and junk.

Lastly, I don't recommend reading the sequel as I never got around to finishing it. But hey, knock yourselves out, who am I to stop you.

And that's it!

Thank you so much for the last time, I appreciate everybody who had shared, enjoyed, and even commented on each chapter.


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