Fatherly Fail Part 29

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The rain continued to pour the next morning, Ian sat up and took a glance on his phone. 5:16am.

He laughs. So he woke up too early this time? He yawns and stretches then goes out to the living room.

He didn't seem to find any trace that the siblings slept there. But he did find Jason asleep alone on the bed at the Smosh office.

He sits down and opened Facebook's website and notices Danielle's account was on. He was surprised to see so many unread messages and assumed it was from her friends, but he sees an open message. The same message.

The same message that that was from their Grandmother. He didn't want to read it but he already started and had the feeling that he would regret this. Jason wakes up and sees Ian with a serious face on the monitor.

"When did you read this?" He opens his mouth. His hands supporting his chin.

Jason shrugs and scratched his head.

"You shouldn't have read that." He looked back at him.

"Why shouldn't I? Is it because your own family misses you back there? Your Grandparents?" He calmly stuttered keeping his eyes on the message.

"It's because your reading other people's messages that you shouldn't." Jason was getting ticked off every time Ian scans the message.

"I read it INCIDENTALLY. And to find about THIS, that you've been looking for in the whole country." Ian was getting tensed too.

Next thing Ian remembers was they were both arguing with each other and Jason pushed him to the wall.

That's when Danielle rushes in after hearing the loud thud.

"W-what's up?! Do you want me to bring the knives so you can stab each other?!" She angrily said.

"Don't tell her you found out about it." Jason whispered threateningly before letting go.

"I-I just got carried away, sis." Jason sweetly explain.

Ian secretly closes the tab before the girl could see. He stands awkwardly facing her. Danielle shakes her head and walks away.

He looks back at Jason, and sees that he's pretty pissed.

He leaves the room and pretended that nothing happened.

"That guy sure is great at acting." He sighs and looks back at the computer.

Why don't they want them to find out about this? Couldn't they just tell him?


"Jason?" Danielle tapped his shoulder while he was watching some television.


"He found out about it, huh?" She frowned at him.

Ian was overhearing this from the office. He stared at the monitor as he attentively listened.

Jason looked down at his lap and sighed loudly.

". . Ye- . . No." He stops.

"Dude, stop lying to me."

"Yeah, he did."

"You didn't have to go bad-ass on him. I can't believe you're picking on someone older than you." She scolds her brother.

"Don't expect me to say sorry, freak." Her brother goes back on watching the television and talked no more.

Ian shrugs on his seat and covers his face with his hands. He then felt someone grab his shoulder.


Ian looks up and sees the girl looking at him with an apologetic look.

"You shouldn't be the one asking for forgiveness, Danielle." He smiles and pats her head.

"I hope you understand him." She saddens.

"I'm sorry, Missy.. He's just so stubborn. It's hard to 'read' him."

"I know. But can you please try and be patient with him?"

"Alright. But with one thing." He faces her.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Ian asks looking straight into her brown eyes.

"I . . You can't fly us back there." She stuttered, nervously staring back at him.

"I don't plan to, Danielle."

"If we go back, they'll follow us and bring trouble to OUR family there."

"Okay. . okay. . Anyways, guess what."

Ian tries to crack a smile.

She stood silently in front waiting for him to talk.

"Melanie invited us to go to this resort something, want to come?"

Before Danielle could answer, Jason passes by ignoring the two. He looked annoyed and confused. A door slammed shut, leaving the two wondering.

"We have to follow him, Pops." She grabs his hands and pulls him outside.


Opening the door, they both saw the rain pour endlessly. But something was very very different. Jason's jaw dropped, and so did they. Dead bodies were scattered on the street. The road was bloodstained as the rain fell. The odor was devoured by the wet weather. The bodies were rotten also.

Ian quickly covers the girl's eyes as he continued to look around. Jason grabs his hair.

"Shit.." Jason mumbled.

"Who are these people?" Ian asked.

"Who else.. Ganarito's men. That heartless sannovabitch."

"What should we do?" The girl said holding Ian's hands that were on her eyes.

"It's necessary to call 911, Bowl Head."


The police came and immediately saw the bodies. They didn't talk to them and just took care of the situation. Jason watched with folded arms with Ian as they carried each of the bodies up into a truck. His sister sat inside looking out to the window.

"Do you know these people?" A policewoman walked up to them.

"No.." Jason calmly answered all the questions while Ian was beside him.

After the bodies where taken, the blood remained on the ground. The cops said they'll take care of that when they come back for other help. They sat in front of the door as it still rained.

"She shouldn't have seen that." Jason frowned.

"It's okay man." The man pats his back comfortingly.

"So . . Resort huh? Who's Melanie?" The boy made a sudden change of topic staring at the reddish street.

"Melanie is my girlfriend, she invited us to join her vacation of some sort."

"Someone dated you? That woman must be crazy.." He scoffs.

"She's beautiful, and I know you've seen her."

"Not that I remember. Psh, anyways, if you're asking me, I go where my sister goes." He smiled.

Tired Author Who Made A Short Update:

Hi guys! Sorry about the updatde today. I'm just pretty tired and I really wanted to update since I'm worried about you guys. But here it is!

My trip was pretty boring, the only thing I enjoyed there was the food and the cats that annoyed my brother. So yeah. I missed my bed, I missed my room, and I missed YOU. Praise the sun I'm home.

So, now tell me. Did I take too long? I'm sorry, okay? But please,

take my 'I love you's. aight! Take care, my friends. And drop by again!!

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