Fatherly Fail Part 23

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"Sup, Francis." Jason scoffs as Danielle hides behind his back.

Francis looked at the little girl and stood paralyzed.

"You do realize I can't cover the two of you anymore." He stammers nervously.

"I'm sure we know that." The brother replied.

"I thought you already have a gun?"

"I lost it." Francis notices Jason hold his sister's hand firmly.

"If you think bringing her would help you, you thought wrong." He tenses up as the boy's grip tightened.

"Naah, she helped me find this. . " Jason trailed off and stares at him.

"CATCH!" Jason shouts as he threw a grenade at Francis' direction.

"You dumb kid! There's flammable gasoline here!" Francis screamed back after landing on the ground to dodge the explosive.

"We didn't notice!" Jason laughed while assisting his sister down.

The man scrambles for his gun and tried to shoot Jason as much as he could.

A loud explosion boomed from the inside.

"I swear this was a bad idea." Danielle yelped.

"Keep up!"

And yes, the men were all up and surprised.


Ian almost crashed his car after hearing a loud explosion somewhere and loud shouting..

"Well, who could possibly that be?"

He turns for an exit and drives to the side and stops there.

If the shouting continued, he would find his way to the siblings.

But, of course, what could he use to protect himself?


Meanwhile . . .

"I seriously don't remember ANY warehouses nearby! Gah! Why does Ian have to be so stubborn?!" Anthony whines.

"Hmph, better try my stupid luck."

He walks out through the back door and hops in his car.

Driving away to the highway.


"Use your darn guns, Jason!" Danielle cries as they run through the trees dodging bullets.

"Oh, thank you for reminding me."

"We have to split up!" His sister said as they hear men curse at them and kept shooting.


"Either of us could slow down if we stick together! We have to lose them by being AWAY from each other!"

"And how exactly?" Jason shoots one or two man down.

"Trees." His sister turns away from him and runs to another direction.

Jason did the same since he really has no choice.

He then realizes something..

"She doesn't have anything to fight with!" He slaps his head.


"Get the boy! We chase the girl!" A man screamed behind Danielle as she sprinted away from them.

"I don't think brother noticed I stole.. a little bit." She opens up a bag of knives and a few grenades in it.

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